Dating Enzo would include...

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↳ comforting him when he has nightmares of his past

↳ helping him with his more or less evil plans

↳ him making you blush with sweet nicknames

↳ you trying to come up with clever nicknames for him but failing miserably

↳ you doing everything stupid and dangerous and him desperately trying to keep you safe and take care of you

↳ him usually being the dominant one in the bedroom but sometimes he might just surprise you with sweet, gentle sex

↳ being his drinking buddy

↳ teasing him in public by showing off your body and doing things you know are turn ons for him while no one else has a clue of what the hell is going on

↳ him being the little spoon in bed which is a secret he vows to take to his grave

↳ forcing him to watch children's tv shows with you

↳ building blanket forts, making snowmen, putting together flower crowns, jumping into piles of leaves...

↳ being known as his queen which is why no one dares to mess with you

↳ staying up all night just talking and cuddling

↳ lots and lots of romantic dates

↳ showering together which often leads to something more than just washing up

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