115 » stefan

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anddd today's hostage theme continues !!

ok ok tbh these two requests just happened to be next to each other so

and there's a lot of violence and gruesome stuff so please be careful with reading if you think you'll be uncomfortable with such !

but hey hey hey there's also a bit of damon ++ y/n and yay enjoy !


Imagine Stefan saving you after being held as a hostage for several weeks

Two weeks ago, you were taken from your home by an unknown superior being. And for fourteen days, you had been kept in a secret cellar where no one could possibly find you, and frankly, you had lost every bit of hope by now. Sure you had many friends, and a lovely boyfriend too, but you were so well hidden, you couldn't be saved, you were certain of it.

You didn't know who took you, or why, but they seemed to hold a grudge against you, concluding from the several times you were on the brink of starvation or dehydration, but whoever you were in the dark cabin with had enough heart to give you something to eat or drink once in a while. As a vampire you didn't care for normal human food, but when such was offered, you didn't turn it down. You were desperate.

And for sure, soon dead.

You could barely see anymore, for so long you had been hidden in the cellar, chained to the wall from your wrists and your body full of vervain that made every inch of you ache. You were as weak as a vampire could only be, your body drained, suffering and full of wounds and bruises. The sight was like from a horror movie, and you would have loved to scare everyone who came to the cellar but you were too close to being dead to actually do that.

Days passed with you starving, bleeding and if possible, crying in the basement. You knew you'd die soon, one way or another, and you hated the fact that the people holding you there just let you suffer instead of getting it done. At some points, you actually preferred the thought of dying quickly instead of being slowly tortured to the point where your body fails on you and everything falls apart.

You knew Mystic Falls had a new enemy now, and it wasn't Klaus, or Kai, or Katherine - it was someone much worse and it scared you. Whoever was doing this to you was extremely dangerous, and while you should have been concerned about your own well being, you feared that they'd get to your friends too. Each day, you were afraid that one of your beloved friends would be tossed onto the floor next to you. But so far, it was just you - had been just you for weeks, and there was only more ahead.

"Please...", you decided to try on one day. You had been building up your courage and inner strength all day, and when you were given one small dose of blood, it only boosted your confidence. "Please let me go", you begged. The man who had delivered the blood, turned around on his heels and showed you his face which was covered by a black mask to match the shadows you were wrapped up in. You couldn't possibly recognize him.

"No", was all he said, before shooting you in the stomach. You screamed when the wooden bullets sank into your flesh, and went deeper and deeper as you writhed in agony. The feeling was overwhelming, and tears prickled in your eyes as you begged for help as quietly as you only could. The man left you alone there, yanking the chains on the wall, wanting to clutch onto your stomach and rip it open to dig out the bullets painfully rubbing against your insides.

"I hate you", you muttered lowly, your voice cracking as you spoke. No one heard you. That was it. No one heard you, no one cared, no one tried and even if they would, no one could ever find you.


"According to Bonnie she should be somewhere here."

Ever since you were taken, Stefan, your boyfriend, had been trying to find you. You had been thinking that no one gave a damn or even had tried to look for you, but Stefan was doing so much more. He had been looking for you for days, and if Damon hadn't reminded him once in a while, he would have forgotten to eat and rest and take care of himself. He was so worried about you.

So he put Bonnie to make a locating spell, and she managed to get a proper direction, but not a specific location. The building in which you were held in was a little bit outside of Mystic Falls, and with barely any breaks, the Salvatores had been searching for you from the border to little further. Stefan missed you and your kisses, and he hated the thought of you being hurt somewhere, bleeding and dying. He needed to find you, and he was going to.

"Well, if there's someone who can locate our Y/N, it's definitely Bon. She is good. And the most terrifying person I know", Damon stated, and made Stefan chuckle while walking around. They talked about Bonnie and how she had been amazing as a friend and as a witch, until Stefan heard a familiar voice.

Your voice.

You were crying, and it broke his heart but instead of wasting time on little details, he used his vampire speed to quickly get to the source of the sounds you were making in sorrow and torment. Damon followed his brother, and the two succeeded on getting a hint and finding the building where you apparently were. Damon snapped a few necks, tore out some hearts, forcing a way to his brother who was desperate to get to his girlfriend. While Damon did the killing, Stefan concentrated on finding a way to you, and eventually he did find the hidden door which led to the basement where you were weeping.

"Y/N!", he gasped, and ran to you, taking down the chains and cradling your cold, bloody body with his arms. Your crying stopped for a moment, and you clutched onto the warm shirt you were against, and held your hand against the always impressive muscles that you had so dearly missed. You looked up to Stefan, who smiled, and nipped on his palm before gently pressing it against your mouth. Even if you were a vampire, it would take ages for you to heal from all this and Stefan wasn't going to watch aside.

"Stefan", you replied, calling his name before breaking into more tears. Oh how you had missed him, his happy eyes, his sexy smile, his flawless features, his incredible body... His laugh, his voice, his compliments, and god, his kisses and hugs. He always made you feel so warm, happy and safe. And once again he had saved you.

"I'm here. God, I was so worried. You were gone for weeks...", Stefan told you, threatening to fall into crying too but for you, he stayed strong. You had every right to be weak, vulnerable and fragile right now and therefore he had to keep you two up. Hold you, make you feel protected and loved all over again.

"I thought-- you... forgot m-me", you mumbled, your throat aching with each word but you had to force them out. Stefan sighed fondly, and flashed you a warm smile after pressing his lips gently against your forehead. His lips felt so good against your skin, you shivered and closed your eyes, just enjoying his presence.

"Never, Y/N, I could never. Let's get you out of here now", Stefan whispered, allowing you to fall asleep and be calm and peaceful for the first time in weeks. As he held you in his arms and started to carry you upstairs, Damon arrived at the doorway and in worry, panted and searched for you.

"Was she here-- Oh thank God", Damon breathed out in relief, letting his head fall against the wall after moving away from Stefan who walked up the stairs on his strong arms. "She's my friend, okay? I couldn't live without her, and all that stuff", Damon defended himself when he saw the nasty look Stefan gave him.

The brothers walked out of the building, and took you back to Mystic Falls where you were happy to see the familiar faces and places. For weeks, you were separated from the world and the people in it, isolated and forced to live a hollow, sad life. Being a hostage was the worst thing you had ever experienced, but luckily, it was all over now.

"I love you", you muttered to Stefan as you, him, and your closest friends sat in Mystic Grill. Everyone else was so deeply in a conversation, they didn't notice you and Stefan holding hands and kissing softly, and you were glad. You really needed some time alone with him.

"I love you too, Y/N. I'm so glad you're alive", he whispered, and kissed your cheek, before wrapping an arm around your shoulders and holding you close.

You were glad too. You were glad you had Stefan. Things were pretty great for you, after all.


woah i just realized that i didn't use the word hostage correctly oh well sorry for being so lame lmao

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