81 » tvd's main characters

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so this all seems horrible

no jk this is actually a pretty random imagine that came from an idea that came to me when i was walking home from school today and i saw a mailbox that said ""mikkelsson"" ((finland tbh)) and i was like whoa that's almost like mikaelson and the next thing i know i'm picturing that the mystic falls gang has moved to finland and my hometown and

so here's this and yes, i am aware that it's still not smut even though i promised but i'm so stressed out and i have so much homework and studying and projects to do and that's not really the mood for writing smut

and i've been updating slowly too and it's because of the same reasons, and i'm truly sorry, but so many tests are coming, and i have a video to do on sony vegas for my presentation and all that shizzle so i'm sorry, so sorry, but i'm afraid they'll continue for a while because there is just some days when i'm too busy and days when i'm too lazy. but i figured that i should write something so HERE IS THIS NOW FINALLY


Imagine that on a normal day in your hometown, you realize that the residents of Mystic Falls have magically appeared and live there now

If there was anything you loved, it was The Vampire Diaries and it's characters. If there was anything you hated, it was, well, the same thing. It was a show that managed to easily make you sad and emotional, as well as angry and a messed up teenager just hoping for her ships to be endgame and her favorite characters to have a happy ending and live forever as the adorable yet sexy supernatural beings. And of course, Matt Donovan too.

When the newest season ended, you thought you were going to die waiting for another one, but somehow you got through pretty decently until you started to break down when the season premiere got closer and closer. It was all you managed to think, from the morning to the evening, causing you to lose sleep and stress all day all night about the upcoming plot twists and drama. You were both as ready as one could be, and as unprepared as only possible.

On a very regular, boring Tuesday, you woke up the way you always did, and spent your morning doing things that had turned into a routine - brushing you teeth, eating a quick breakfast, doing homework at last minute. It was tiring, and you would have preferred staying home, but when you absolutely needed to, you dragged your ass to the cold air outside and started to walk towards your school. It was still dim, and freezing as well, and you hated it so much, all you could do was complain to yourself and groan once in a while, while listening to your favorite songs and trying to keep yourself warm.

Your feet carried you to school, where began a very exhausting, boring day. Even with friends by your side, you kind of hated it, you hated studying and doing tests and feeling the stress weighing on your shoulders and heart. It was tough, being a student at your age, but for the sake of a fine future, you tried to concentrate and keep yourself energetic and vibrant until the last class ended and you were given the permission to leave. You told your goodbyes to some friends, and then put your earphones back in, ready to listen to music again as you began the long way home once again.

It took you about thirty minutes to get home, but before you could quite get there, you spotted an interesting mailbox standing on the yard of a big, gorgeous house you had never seen before. But it did look familiar. And so did the name on the mailbox - Mikaelson. It wasn't very common in your country, not anymore at least, and your inner fangirl threatened to step out but you kept yourself controlled, and continued your way to home. But then you saw a house, once again familiar, and in front of it a mailbox that read Salvatore. And next to it, was a house with the name Gilbert on it.

You were either going insane, or Mystic Falls' characters, fictional characters, had found their way to your country, your town, nearby your home. And it scared the hell out of you, whichever the result would be. You didn't want to be a crazy person, not more at least, but how could the Mystic Falls residents be there?

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