119 » damon

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this is something way new and different and omg i hope you guys like it


Imagine breaking up with Damon and meeting his doppelganger

You wiped away a bunch of tears while walking around snowy Mystic Falls, breathing in and out the cold winter air and pushing your hands deeper in the pockets of your warm coat. You and Damon Salvatore had just broken up, and your heart was breaking although you had suspected the break-up coming up for quite the time now. For weeks you and Damon had only argued and disagreed on everything, you stopped being so caring towards each other and when he told you he was "done", you sort of had to end things. There was no point in being together for longer.

The snow underneath your shoes creaked with every step, and that, along with your sniffling, were the only sounds in the dark midnight of Mystic Falls. It was four in the morning, but you didn't want to stay with Damon either so you headed out with no destination in mind, no car, no money. All your belongings were still at the house you had shared with your ex-boyfriend, so you had nothing, and nowhere to go. You weren't close enough with any of the girls in Mystic Falls to go to them and ring their doorbell at such an early hour, and the more you thought about it, the better you realized that you didn't want to bother anyone. You weren't enough close with others, you always just had Damon.

But now, you had lost him too.

The words Damon aimed at you rang in your head. The names he called you with, the verbal daggers he used to hurt you, the accusations that broke your heart. With every step, you left behind a new piece of your shattered heart and you were afraid that you'd eventually turn back and follow the crumbs of yourself to find your way back to Damon. You didn't want to crawl to him, though, so bravely you continued your way towards a place you still didn't know about.

You were so deeply in your thoughts, you didn't notice a man who was just as sucked up into his own mind. So you ended up bumping to him, your body hitting his and causing you to fall onto your butt on the cold snow due to him being taller and stronger. You took your hands out of your pockets on the way down, and when your fingers landed on the snow you whimpered, and looked up at the man you had walked into. You expected a hand to be given you so it'd be easier to get up, but then you saw his face and your expression turned from surprised to upset.

"Go away, Damon. I told you I don't want to see you", you muttered, and got up on your own. After wiping the snow off of your clothes and groaning at the sight of it already melting around your thighs, you turned on your heels and started to make your way to another direction but Damon grabbed your arm and stopped you. You were about to argue, pull away from him or possibly push him, but the look of utter confusion on his face made you stop.

"Wait-- did you just call me Damon?", he asked, and broke into a chuckle. Amusement washed over his face, while confusion appeared on yours. You relaxed, and turned to the man who doubted your ways to treat and call him, which to be honest, sparked your interest, but also made you a bit annoyed at first. Was he just messing with you, or had something happened? You were definitely staring at Damon Salvatore, with the flawless bone structure, dark hair, intense eyes, seductive appearance and the bad boy smirk you were used to see on his lips.

Your interest disappeared and more annoyance replaced it, earning a scoff from you. "Very funny", you said sarcastically before turning around again, but the man still didn't let you go. You gave him a frustrated look, to which he reacted with a similar expression.

"No, really-- Damon? As in Damon Salvatore?", he asked, and you took in a deep, irritated breath and tried to remain calm. You definitely didn't want to show him that he got to you like that.

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