85 » damon

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so someone thought that i don't do enough damon and tbh there's so many other characters i feel like i've been neglecting but anyway here's something quick i put together before going to sleep (: oh and if it truly feels like i'm avoiding some characters, i don't do it on purpose, i just try to follow the requests i have coming instead of changing the order all the time xx


Imagine that your boyfriend Damon is compelled to kill you

The dark hallway echoed with your footsteps as you fled from the one person you thought you should never try to avoid and run away from. Damon Salvatore was the love of your life, your boyfriend of two years and things were sometimes rocky for you two but at the end of the day, you'd sleep in the same bed. Dating him was quite exciting, adventurous and dangerous too, but he always knew how to slow things down and because of that you loved him dearly. Everything was perfect.

Until Kol, in boredom, compelled him to kill you just to see how things would unfold. To Kol it was like watching a movie. He was always the brat in the Mikaelson family, and he hadn't changed a bit through times. So that was why you were running in the tunnels below Mystic Grill, trying to run from Damon who was getting dangerously close. He didn't want to hurt you, but he didn't have any choices. It was all up to you, and the gun in your hands.

"Y/N? Run, baby, run as far and as fast as you can. I don't want to kill you, but that bastard Mikaelson compelled me to. You know how it works. I can't stop", Damon yelled, and you grimaced, knowing he was near and already trying to slow himself down. You thought you could get elsewhere, away from him, until you stumbled on a rock and fell to your face. The loud thud echoed in the tunnels, and you heard Damon groan from a fairly small distance.

"Please don't tell me your clumsy side decided to show up", he begged, and in another situation, you could have laughed but now you were far too concentrated on getting out alive. You only got up, when Damon already reached you and there you were then, face to face with him.

Shocked and scared, you shot a wooden bullet through his leg and he collapsed onto his knees, groaning, but happy with what you had done.

"That's good, baby, that's good. Shoot me again. And then, run", Damon insisted, and you obeyed, firing at him again and whimpering at the sight of the wood digging through Damon's flesh and irritating his leg. You didn't run, though, you were frozen on the spot, and it caused Damon to grimace.

"What the hell are you waiting for? Y/N - run!", he yelled. "Or shoot me. In the heart. Kill me, because if you don't, I will kill you. C'mon, do it", Damon added, succeeding on bringing you to tears. You lowered your hand, and you sobbed as you looked at the bloody man crawling towards you, begging for you to end him. You shook your head in disagreement, unwilling to do so.

Was Damon losing his mind?

"Don't say that, Damon. Stop. Please. I don't want to kill you! I won't. And I know you don't want to kill me either, so stop this, Damon. Fight it, I know you can!", you cried, relying on what he wanted, but it was a sad attempt.

Damon got up, and pushed you against the hard wall, making you whimper and shake as the tears continued to roll down on your cheeks. Damon gave you a sad look, but it turned into something else when his fangs grew out and his eyes changed color.

"You know I can't", he whispered, and was about to attack you, earning a loud scream from you but before he could rip your throat open, his neck was snapped and he fell onto the ground. His dead body stayed there, while you trembled with fear and turned to look at who had saved you.

"Well, I'll never get tired of doing that."

You looked at Stefan happily, and ran for a hug which he gladly gave to you. You chuckled, and held him tightly, pressing your face against his chest. Damon was your boyfriend, but Stefan was your best friend, and you were in utter bliss when you realized that he was really there, and he had saved you from the compelled Damon. Quite often the relationship you had with Stefan, and Damon, sparked many, many arguments.

"C'mon. I'll talk to Klaus and he'll get Kol to drop the compulsion. Or, he'll dagger him. Works either way", Stefan shrugged, and you nodded your head while giggling.

"Sounds like a plan."


Later that evening, Damon woke up gasping on his couch. You were sitting next to his feet, and a smile tugged up your lips when you saw your boyfriend returning from the dead. Seeing you there scared him, and he got up quickly, giving you a warning look but before he could tell you to "run", you opened your mouth.

"Relax, babe. Kol uncompelled you. You can thank your dear brother. You're lucky Klaus has a soft spot for him", you laughed, and approached Damon. You threw your hands over his shoulders, and stared into his eyes before placing a gentle kiss on his lips. Damon smiled, and kissed you back, turning it hot like he always did.

"I have the best girlfriend in the world", he muttered, and caused you to nod in agreement.

"Agreed. I am the best", you teased, and turned to look at the front door where Stefan stood, a smile on his lips as well.

"Are we going or not?", he asked, and crossed his arms. You giggled, and took Damon's hand, leading him to the door while explaining that you had promised Stefan to go out for dinner with him and Damon. After all, Damon was probably starving.

"I thought you and Nik were still gazing into each other's eyes", you spoke, and playfully hit Stefan's shoulder before running to the car and going in with Damon. Through the door, you could hear Stefan groaning.

"Shut up, Y/N, or I'll kill you...", he muttered. But you knew he didn't mean it. Probably.


being best friends with stefan is like life goals ok
like yes i want to date him and do bad things to him but like I WANT TO BE BESTIES WITH HIM

anywaywaywayway i'm pretty bored and i think i'll do a couple of those one word prompts because why the hell not

idk i guess it's more of a tumblr kinda thingy but i don't write on tumblr but i really want to do it so ??? idk feel free to give me words, while i get this thing starteddd (:

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