89 » matt

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One word prompt / Online - Matt

To be honest, you weren't sure what went through your mind when you decided to spice up things with your boyfriend by sending him a specific kind of picture. But you did it anyway. With only your underwear on - thank God you weren't entirely naked - you snapped a fairly sexy photo, and sent it to who was supposed to be your boyfriend.

But as soon as the picture had been sent, you realized that you were in the wrong chat.

"Fuck", was all you could say, and in a rather repetitive manner, the word came out of your mouth as you realized that you had sent the revealing picture to Matt Donovan. Not only was he the reason you and your boyfriend had been drifting apart, because you had a huge ass crush on Matt, but he was also often spending time with Jeremy and Tyler and overall just not the kind of guy you were supposed to send naked pictures to.

You deleted the photo, but then you understood that it was still going to show up to Matt, and continued to curse, especially when one, horrible word appeared under his name.


You screamed in frustration, and embarrassment, and hid your face when you saw that Matt had opened the photo. You couldn't see his reaction. You wanted out of the situation. You wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out.

When you received a new message, you failed to ignore it and quickly grabbed your phone to see what Matt had answered.

Matt: well well well, i don't why you just sent me this, but i'm not complaining... thanks, really made my day ;)

You wanted to scream again, partly because it was still the wrong person, partly because Matt thought you were hot and partly because you shouldn't have been thinking that. You had a boyfriend, and it wasn't Matt. So why did it feel so great?

Matt: damn y/n, can i stop by ? you started something and you gotta finish it too

You: wow matt i have a boyfriend calm urself

You: but yes come over

Matt: i'll be there soon ;)

It was a potential mistake, but at least one relationship got spiced up.

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