1 » stefan

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Imagine cursing often which Stefan doesn't like at all


A disapproving look was given to you by your boyfriend of two years, Stefan, as you let the bad words flood out of your mouth like a waterfall. You didn't have a problem with swearing, in fact you did it quite much, maybe even too much some might say. And Stefan, he was definitely one of those people who thought you did it too much and hearing you curse made him uncomfortable and unsure of what to say or do.

"I'm sorry, mom", you chuckled and slapped Stefan's shoulder gently, only to continue with, "Aw shit, I'm sorry, did that hurt?" Maybe you said it on purpose with a playful smirk on your face, but then again, it came so automatically from you it was nearly scary. It was a bad habit and you couldn't shake it off, you were used to cursing and it wasn't something you could just turn off.

Your parents had been cursing around you ever since you were a little kid, and it quickly rubbed on you and already at the age of eleven you had been swearing like a sailor. You were packed with a sharp tongue for sure, and more than Stefan bothered to count, you could be heard calling people bitches or motherfuckers and what not.

He quite frankly hated it, but he loved you enough to let it slide. Sometimes.

"I'm telling you, it's not just me and my freaking grandpa personality sticking out", Stefan started, and made you laugh. You had told him that, when he complained about you swearing a few nights ago, but instead of freaking, you said something very different. It was adorable how Stefan couldn't even say it, he was so innocent sometimes.

"You swear a lot. A lot. And in situations, where you don't have to", he continued and pulled you to his lap, "I could maybe even accept you using power words when you hurt yourself or when something horrible has happened, but fifteen minutes ago you cursed four times because we ran out of orange juice", Stefan sighed and bit his lower lip in thought while looking at your features and running his fingers along your cheek. His eyes twinkled with hope, as if expecting you to give up cursing entirely but you knew he was aware that you couldn't do such thing. It was hard, like, really hard.

"Are you telling me that not having orange juice isn't a fucking horrible thing?", you chuckled, but then realized that one of those bad words Stefan so despised came out of your mouth. You grimaced, and it only spread out when Stefan rose from the couch after pushing you off of his lap. He started to walk towards the kitchen, and you apologized several times while following him.

"I'm sorry, Stef, but it just comes so naturally from me! I can't stop it, there isn't a damn switch that I can flip to make it go away, alright? I thought you would know a thing or two about turning things off!", you spat. A wave of regret wiped you down immediately when it came out, you knew you had hit a soft spot with the reference to Stefan's ripper days. You knew you shouldn't have, but you still did.

"No- you know I didn't mean that- fuck!", you shouted, trying to grab your boyfriend but he was already leaving the kitchen where you stood, now all alone. He fled the house, but you let him go. You had done enough, and you understood that he needed a moment alone now, and that was why you sighed, sat down on the kitchen floor and only listened when he started his car and left the place.


"I already told you, I don't know where he is! That's why I'm calling you... He left a few hours ago after we had an argument and he hasn't returned yet", you sobbed to your phone. You were talking with Damon, he was Stefan's brother so he knew him well and you expected him to have answers. You had already declared Stefan as a missing person in your mind, and you felt sick from worry and concern. You had clearly made him very upset, because he always came back after an argument, he always returned soon, but it had been hours now and he was still gone.

"I can't fucking calm down, Damon! He's fucking missing and he won't answer my calls and I-", you stammered, but didn't continue when suddenly the front door opened. You ran there, and when you saw Stefan, wet from the rain outside, you threw your phone onto the living room's couch and ran to his arms.

"Stefan! I thought something happened, I thought... I'm sorry, I love you, I... You scared the shit out of me- No, sorry, I mean-", you stuttered and let your head fall to his chest. You were angry, and frustrated with yourself, you drove Stefan away and made him uncomfortable and here you went again, swearing and upsetting him only more.

"Something did happen, Y/N. I understood that I love you way too much to let your tendency to curse get in the way. It can't stop me from loving you. And, well, it's kind of hot sometimes... But my point is, I love you, and everything about you, and I can't tell you to stop. That is who you are, and it's my job to accept it. I love you, all of you", Stefan explained, and flashed you an adorable smile before placing his lips on your cheek softly.

You giggled, and thanked him, but promised to slow down with the bad words so he wouldn't have to be the only one to put effort into your relationship. You loved him too, and wanted him to be happy, and if not cursing so much was one way bring him joy, then you were willing to do it.

"Oh, and, I brought orange juice", Stefan added, and pulled a carton of juice from behind his back and gave it to you. You laughed again, and kissed him again before taking him to the kitchen where you poured you two glasses of fresh orange juice.

You didn't exactly stop swearing, but Stefan grew to love it, just like he loved everything else about you.


HEY GUYYSSSS HOW ARE YOUUU i'm doing great i saw one diRECTION LIVE ON SATURDAY AND IT WAS THE GREATEST DAY OF MY LIFE i hope you're all enjoying the summer as well !! hope you liked the first imagine, the first of many... i haven't written down all of the requests yet, though most of them, but i keep getting more each and every day and i've already got like 50 imagines to do...

so if it takes a while to see yours, please don't be upset with me, although my summer job is over now and i have nothing amazing and special to do for the rest of the summer, i still have a life outside wattpad and won't be spending all of my time writing. also i have a request for you guys - please if you have any creative, fun ideas in mind, let me know because as much as i love to write smut, writing threesomes loses it's charm when you've done it with like 398208408420 characters.. (: so let me know your craziest ideas too, because i'd love to do something different. i'm not saying your ideas are bad now, though, please don't take this the wrong way, because i've received amazing thoughts and can't wait to write them ! (:

also, send in those song requests, bros ! and in case you didn't see the edited authors note in the beginning of this book, feel free to send in some sentences and small thoughts for me with a specific character and i'll gladly build an imagine based on it ! you see these on tumblr a lot so if you're there you might understand what i mean (:

BUT NOW, I HAVE TAKEN ENOUGH OF YOUR TIME ! leave me some feedback and possibly requests, and i'll continue writing and publish a new imagine for you later this week (:

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