181 » alaric and damon

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Imagine Damon having a party and encouraging Alaric to kiss you on New Year's Eve

  It was known by everyone in Mystic Falls that Damon Salvatore never failed to throw a good party. No one doubted his ways to entertain his guests, and no one refused to enjoy the drinks he always had at hand and with some good music and a wild atmosphere thrown in, the Salvatore had already created a successful party. This he aimed to do on New Year's Eve, amuse and entertain his closest friends, which was a circle you were proud to be a part of.

  When Damon had the idea of throwing a big party on New Year's Eve, he approached his three best friends about - you, Alaric and Bonnie. With your assistance, he planned the whole thing well and was certain that you'd end 2015 with a bang and kick 2016 off properly, partying, getting drunk and having fun amongst friends. Everyone was invited, the entire gang and you were eager for the night to arrive just because it was going to be that epic.

  But there was more to it than just legendary endings and beginnings of this and the next year. Damon was going to take matters into his own hands, and set the spark between you and Alaric on fire, ignite the flame that longed to burn hot. You and Ric had definitely something going on, you had a major crush on him while his was on a more serious level, where he and Damon discussed it as love. He was in love with you and since he was too awkward to do it himself, Damon was going to set you two up one way or another.

  "You love her, don't you?", Damon spoke, confronting his best friend about his feelings when he caught Alaric gazing at you from the other side of the room at the party. It was almost midnight, and for the past ten minutes Alaric had been leaning into a wall and looking at you laugh and talk with Bonnie. He thought you were absolutely beautiful, from head to toe just perfection and Damon knew this, therefore he wasn't going to just watch aside as his best buddy mourned in the pain of not having you on his arms.

  "Yeah, and what if I do?", Alaric spoke and turned to face Damon while taking a long sip from his drink. Damon grinned, and threw his arm over Alaric's shoulder, bringing him closer which caused Ric to roll his eyes. It was easy for him to tell that Damon had a plan of some kind, and quite frankly he was afraid of what it would be.

  "I know all about waiting. And I do not recommend it. If you love that girl there, I suggest you go now and tell her how you feel. Kiss her. She feels the same way, so get the girl and don't let anyone else take her from you", Damon encouraged, patting his friend's shoulder while sipping on his beer. Alaric chewed on the inner side of his cheek while thinking about - he knew it made sense and Damon was right, but it still somehow seemed like a bad idea. He was afraid, maybe you'd reject him in front of your friends and he'd be sent to eternal embarrassment. Maybe Damon was tricking him, after all he was drunk, and after confessing his feelings to you and turned into one big joke in front of everyone, Alaric's heart would break and he would always be reminded about it.

  "C'mon, buddy. I've always got your back, right? Trust me, Y/N likes you, and I know you like her too, more than just like so go ahead. I'll be here, watching", Damon smirked, and pushed Alaric forward so he could stumble to you. Which he did.

  With a few slow steps, he had already approached you, and when Bonnie noticed him he gave him a wink and walked towards Damon to leave you two alone. Alaric gave you a careful smile, and greeted you quietly which reminded you of the day you and him first met.

 You were new in town, but an old friend of Damon's so you and him were at the Grill, drinking and catching up when he informed that he had called his best friend to come too. And then Alaric showed up, grunting and complaining about his day to Damon which seemed like something they did together, until he noticed you. With the widest smile ever, his breath taken away, his eyes sparkling as he adored you, he greeted you. It was followed by a long silence, but then Damon broke it by introducing you and Alaric to each other. And that was how you got to know Alaric, how you and him became good friends through Damon, nearly best but not enough to stick in the friendzone. You had a huge crush on him, for several reasons, he was after all pretty hot and had a great personality, and whenever he was around you, he was protective and brave and put your safety first.

  Yet somehow, you didn't pick up the fact that he had feelings for you like you had for him. You weren't brave enough to confess yours to him, but luckily, after Damon pushed him to you, literally, he was now there, ready to tell you what he had been bottling up inside since he met you. It caused him to be quite nervous, and his stomach was full of drunk butterflies as he held the bottle tightly in his hands and his eyes adored you from your stunning smile to your flawless body hidden by the dress Bonnie had picked for you.

  "How do you like the party so far?", Alaric asked, and offered you a drink. You thanked him, and took it, and as you took a sip you looked around and nodded approvingly at the good music and the people dancing and having fun. It was everything you expected a party to be, it had everything you hoped and wanted it to have and therefore you could easily answer with a smile to match his.

  "It's great. Damon really knows how to do this stuff", you chuckled, "What about you? You've had fun, right?", giving him a friendly smile. He looked good, dressed in casual yet stylish clothes, his hair done perfectly and his whole face just so irresistibly beautiful. You wanted to grab him and kiss him, but somehow you managed to keep yourself under control while you gazed at each other fondly, drinking and smiling. Still, there was the unspoken tension and the undeniable connection which you felt, knowing that there was something between you.

  Alaric nodded. "Yeah, it's been alright. There's this, uh, one thing, though, that I kind of need to, I don't know, confess, I guess. To you", he explained and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. You lifted an eyebrow, but nodded, willing to hear him out. "I like you. I mean, I have a crush on you. Or I guess, it's more than just a crush. I think I'm in love with you, and uh... Yeah", he wasted no time, he needed to get the truth out and as soon as he had spoken those words, he closed his eyes and swallowed thickly, afraid to look at you. He was frightened of your reaction, but he did feel kind of relieved now that he had admitted his feelings for you.

  You didn't have time to say anything, when the clock informed you of midnight and everyone started to yell and cheer. Hands were brought up to the air, and people began hugging and kissing, and you felt like it was the right thing to do so you followed their lead. You swung your arm around Alaric, and pulled him closer to you so you could meet his lips with yours. He was shocked, but definitely didn't pull away, instead he pressed you against the wall and answered to the kiss intensely, while his hands found their way to your waist.

  It was just like you had imagined. Passionate, hot, but still it was evident that you both loved and cared about each other so it wasn't just a random kiss just for the hell of it. It was the first kiss you and him were supposed to have eventually, and now finally the time had arrived.

  "I love you too", you panted when your lips disconnected, and he couldn't help but laugh. "Happy New Year, Ric", you smiled, and he replied the same way before turning around and giving Damon a grateful look. You and him kissed again then, thinking that you could have a bit of privacy in the dark corner and talk about things you hadn't yet, and connect on a deeper level but oh how wrong you were.

  "Happy 2016 everyone! I would like to make a toast, to my pal, my buddy, my Ric, for finally getting the girl! To Alaric and Y/N!", Damon shouted over the rest of the noise and the music, managing to get everyone's attention. The spotlight he had managed to get to his house was turned to you, and everyone stared at you, screaming and cheering.

  "Kiss!", everyone started to chant, forcing you to do so. The pressure was certainly on, but you didn't mind, you were happy to be on his arms, your lips on his, your feelings confessed... It was perfect.

  Even if it was at a sweaty New Year's party full of drunk people. But perfect, nonetheless.

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