45 » stefan

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woah some long shizzle right here for you guys
so i know i said the next imagine would be about elijah, and like you probably could see, it wasn't and still isn't, but that's simply because i had some questions about the request and the lovely girl who requested hasn't answered to me yet so i can't write it just yet. hope you understand (:



Imagine taking human!Stefan's virginity

A romantic dinner at your favorite restaurant, your dress, which was definitely way too revealing for 1860s, some wine and teasing was what led you and your boyfriend Stefan into the bedroom when the clock hit 10 in the evening. He had taken you on a date to celebrate the fact that you had been in a happy relationship for three months now, he had been saving a lot of money to take you out to your favorite restaurant which was known for it's outrageous prices. Nevertheless, the food was exquisite and Stefan wanted to make it special, and after weeks of hard work at different places and Damon's slight help, he finally got the money to treat you. You appreciated it, although you had said many times how you were fine with some ice cream from the small shop nearby, but you couldn't deny the excitement in your heart when Stefan opened the door for you, leading into the expensive restaurant you had grown fond of.

Some people wondered why the two of you were together, anyway. He was shy and small and scrawny, while you were a gorgeous, wanted woman. Compared to most men in Mystic Falls, Stefan was something very different, and it did take you some time to get used to his personality and appearance, when you were so used to being surrounded by muscular, flirtatious and confident men. But maybe that was what attracted you in Stefan - his bony shoulders and fragile body and pink lips craving for the slightest touch. He was handsome, definitely, and quite adorable as well, and when he had the guts to ask you out for the first time, you fell for him immediately. He was sweet, though shy, and awkward, but lovable and incredible nonetheless.

The fact that he was, well, him, and you were you wasn't the only thing that made people scoff and roll their eyes whenever you two were spotted holding hands, or even standing close to each other. He was quite poor, too, always out of money, and often seen with a black eye or cut lip because of the constant fights he got in. He was one to defend his opinions and what was right, and he was truly a good man, but not a strong one. He wasn't exactly a fighter. He was what most people would call pathetic, and that was why no one really understood why a fine girl like you was spending so much time with him.

Stefan Salvatore wasn't very popular, for sure. Not even his brother could help, but he did get him to ask you out and that was the beginning of something wonderful.

When at 10 p.m, you arrived to your house and stumbled into your bedroom, Stefan was terrified. He had never been like this with anyone, not even you. He had never kissed you this passionately, and his lips were already all swollen and your intense touch and loving caused him to whimper and shiver. He was shorter than you, so it was easy for you to push him down to the bed which earned a gasp from him, making you smile as you sat on his lap and placed your hands on his cheeks.

You hadn't had sex before, either, but you weren't as clueless as Stefan was. You were quite innocent still, though, but compared to Stefan, you were much more confident - he was literally shaking underneath you, and his slender fingers kept trembling as he touched you shyly with them. He didn't know what would be approved and alright, so he carefully caressed your shoulders through the fabric covering them and tried to keep a hold on you while you connected your lips with his continuously.

"Are you alright?", you whispered against Stefan's skin, and he slowly nodded. You ran your fingers through his tousled hair and smiled as you pressed your lips onto his again. It was a tender kiss, but the both of you knew where it would eventually lead. You didn't mind going there slowly, you knew Stefan was new to all this, so you didn't want to pressure or push him into anything. You loved him, you cared about him and the thought of hurting him made your heart ache.

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