77 » jeremy

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Imagine Jeremy thinking he should be your boyfriend but you're already taken // Based on I Would by One Direction

"Lately I found myself thinking
Been dreaming about you a lot
And up in my head I'm your boyfriend
But that's one thing you've already got."

Jeremy Gilbert was head over heels for you, his thoughts were all about you and whenever you were near, his heart either stopped for a second, or started to beat so hard he feared it would jump through his chest one of these days. He was amazed by your beauty, all of the little details in you, and was constantly dreaming about being the one to kiss you, hold you and make you smile. He wanted to be close to you, but all he was to you was the awkward kid in school. Though good looking, but nevertheless, no one special to you.

He adored you, while you barely paid attention to him. He was nice, he had opened doors for you and helped you with your books a couple of times but he was often too shy to even have eye contact with you. He settled down with dreaming about you, and frustrating his friends with endless talks of you. You were the love of his life, he was so sure of it, and if he only could, he would ask you out and make you his.

But here was the catch - you already had a boyfriend.

"He drives to school every morning
While I walk alone in the rain
He'd kill me without any warning
If he took a look in my brain."

Every day, your handsome boyfriend, Stefan Salvatore drove to school with his shiny expensive car. Usually, you came with him, and if not, you were already waiting at the school where you gave him a big kiss every time. While the two of you walked in sunshine, enjoying each other's company, poor Jeremy walked to school all alone. His sister didn't bother to offer him a ride, so even on the rainy days, Jeremy was forced to drag his ass to school by himself, on foot.

But at least it gave him time to think. Think about you. Dream of holding your hand, and kissing your cheek while randomly showing up, hugging you from behind. He wanted to give you all his attention and affection, and couldn't help but feel hate towards the Salvatore you were dating. All the girls seemed to be all about him, even his sister, and her friends. And you were the lucky girl who got all his kisses and cuddles. Everyone was jealous, most because they wanted Stefan, but Jeremy was jealous because he wanted you.

And he wanted you badly.

He spent all his days hating on Stefan and loving you, and sometimes he'd let out a low chuckle as he thought about how Stefan wouldn't hesitate to snap his neck if he took a look in what the Gilbert boy was thinking all day long. But he couldn't help it, either. You were the girl he loved, and the fact that he wasn't the boy you loved, it caused both anger and sadness in him.

"God, I hate Stefan Salvatore", Jeremy always muttered to his friends, Matt and Tyler, during lunch as they ate together, and you sat with Stefan. Matt and Tyler often just groaned, they had heard their best friend rant about the topic many many times before, but sometimes they would agree and make a list why Stefan was the worst, mostly to make Jeremy happy.

"He is shady. And totally not the right guy for Y/N", Matt would say, while chewing on an apple.

"But you know who is?", Tyler would add, and lean closer to Jeremy, "you, man. You're the right guy for Y/N." And those kind of things would honestly make Jeremy's day, if seeing you smile wasn't quite enough. He had the best friends ever, and hoped that one day, he'd have the girl, too.

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