183 » elijah + the mikaelsons

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basically the gif has nothing to do with this imagine but it's too important ok


Imagine spending New Year's Eve with the Mikaelsons and realizing you've fallen in love with Elijah

Love was the simplest yet at the same time the most difficult thing ever, a pain in the ass but in the right hands it created happiness and made it impossible to not smile. While in some situations, it could be just tears and heartbreak. You and Elijah still hadn't figured out whether you could be happily together or if it was too complicated to even consider - hell, you didn't even realize your feelings until New Year's Eve of 2015.

Something between you and him existed, lingered, caused tension, awkwardness and frustration to build up whenever the two of you were together, sharing a situation or a moment but it had never taken a trip to the other side of the line. You had never stepped out of the friendzone, but neither of you were really stuck, if you just wanted to pursue whatever feelings you and Elijah shared although you didn't see them at first, you could. And it worked around the other way - he could have kissed you on any day of the week out of the blue, and you probably would have kissed him back a tad harder instead of pulling away in shock.

You had to admit - you had accepted - that he caught your eye the day you first met him. You were taken aback by his divine beauty, the darkness he hid behind the suits and the noble behaviour. You could see through instantly, you knew there was more than the fancy Original vampire who acted so good, but you didn't connect on an emotional level only. He intrigued you, the mystery in his somewhat pained, sad eyes and the mischievous smile he couldn't hide around you, they got to you. All the way from his handsome features to his elegant way to move and behave, he attracted you but that was an effect he had on everyone and therefore you decided it was a simple crush each man and woman had after meeting Elijah Mikaelson.

Then somehow, you just made it into the inside circles after growing closer with each Mikaelson until you were a part of the family, not by blood but by bond. Elijah kept his eye on you, interested you in every possible level and way but as the man who didn't dare to let a woman close to him in the fear of losing her to the darkness he was always involved in, he didn't approach you. Of course, you and him were close, just like you and Klaus or you and Rebekah, but it wasn't romantic in any way. But perhaps he would have wished so, and you too if only you decided to grip the feelings and accept them, welcome them and deal with them.

Instead you ran from them and denied them, until there was nothing to think about anymore. Except the thick, evident attraction that pulled you and him to each other like a magnet but nevertheless you neglected the lovey dovey side you dreamed to have with him in the belief that dream was indeed all and everything it would ever be.

But as you sat there, on New Year's Eve, watching him with a bottle of champagne and four glasses to pour the drink in, you couldn't help but smile but wonder what it'd be like to wake up next to him each day, hear his tired sleepy voice, see him come from a shower with just a towel hanging on his waist lazily. What it would be like to peek behind the curtains he always kept shut and be welcomed to his private life, open every locked door and embrace each other's secrets and thoughts as a couple.

Yeah, it was pretty obvious you had fallen in love but it was a truth you covered with little white lies, thinking it would be for the best.

"Happy new year, everyone!", Elijah said, grinning as he opened the bottle and the cork smacked off and flew into the ceiling which made you squeal with both excitement and fear of it hitting you in the eye. Your scream made Elijah smile in amusement, and he directed it at you before pouring the champagne steadily into the four glasses - one for each remaining Mikaelson and you, their closest friend, nearly family but sometimes it was better to be a Y/L/N than it was to be a Mikaelson.

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