204 » kai

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look at that gif omg kai totally has his steve rogers face on oMG WHY DOES HE REMIND ME OF HIM SO MUCH 

so many chrises in my life help

it's been like a billion years since i did a kai imagine what the fresh hell,, hopefully you like this one though !! ((why do i say that every time fr))


Imagine Kai choosing power over you but he doesn't go through with it and comes back to you instead

  The silence in the house you shared with your boyfriend had been lasting for longer than you could remember, and for an equally long time, you had been sitting on the floor, tears falling from your eyes which were staring at your trembling hands, though glanced at the front door once in a while, as if expecting your boyfriend to return.

  You and him barely fought, but with Kai Parker being the psychotic killer and the villain you weren't supposed to get involved with, it was inevitable that things would fall apart right at your fingertips, eventually. You just didn't expect it to be after two months of dating.

  Things were going so well for you and Kai, you couldn't suspect a storm coming. You and him had found happiness, though you knew who you were falling for - the infamous Parker boy who had recently escaped a prison world, where he was put for a reason, but it was love at first sight, for the both of you. One look was all it took to send you on a collision course you couldn't step out of. You fell hard and fast, and in no time he was already at your front door, wanting to take you out and one thing led to another. One night led to another, and so you became a couple.

  You found no good reason to say no to him, except for the fact that he was mildly insane but you preferred your men a bit crazy anyway, that had been confirmed after you dated Klaus for a brief moment, harbored feelings of some sort for Kol and got somewhat fond of Katherine. Or maybe it was just people with names that started with a K.

  Whatever the reason behind your undeniable feelings was, Kai shared them, and that was all you needed to know. Although you did not want him to kill all of your friends, but in his company, you started to drift apart from them, but at the same time, in your company, Kai became a tad less crazy. For you, he tried to be the best man he could, and he succeeded quite well, too. But the point was, he made you truly happy, and you couldn't get enough of each other. You were in love, and in a great relationship and that was it.

  But it blew up in your face. You knew what kind of a man Kai was, but maybe you neglected it too much. You knew he was hungry for power, seeking for kingship as Klaus had as well, which led into him leaving you to go to New Orleans, and now, Kai was slipping from your fingertips in a similar way. He was all about power and victory, and when the chance came to merge with his twin to get even more power, he obviously took it.

  Even though you thought he wouldn't.

  "I'm going to do it", Kai started, walking inside the house in his black trench coat, hands deep in the pockets and a satisfied, proud smile on his kissable lips. You had been reading on the couch for the past hour, and only now your concentration broke, and you turned to look at your boyfriend with your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. You put your book down, and hoisted your body from the couch to walk over to Kai who shut the front door and then turned back to you with the wide grin still pulling up his lips and revealing his pearl white teeth.

  "Do what?", you asked sternly, worried that he was going to do something incredibly stupid and reckless that would lead into nothing but heartbreak and 'I told you so's. Kai took his hands out of his pockets, but didn't bother to take off his coat which meant he was planning on leaving the house again, after already being away for hours. The day had went and the night had arrived, it was dim and cold outside and you didn't want him to go but the way he didn't leave the door, or do anything to signify a stay, strongly suggested he was going to.

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