120 » jeremy and klaus

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this is actually more klaus / y/n than jeremy / y/n and i'm sorry but it was kind of impossible to not make klaus a big part of this imagine so

anyway, although i don't usually dedicate my imagines to anyone, this one has to go for @-coleman because i'm currently absolutely obsessed with her book ""the curse"" and i read all of it last night and it gave me so much motivation and inspiration to write, which kinda explains why this is nearly 3000 words. so yeah, she is absolutely amazing at writing ((i mean for real, i feel like such trash compared to her omg)) and you all should check out her book ASAP. xx


Imagine meeting Jeremy when you go to Mystic Falls to look for your father, Klaus

2015 turned out to be quite the year for you.

After living for years with who you thought was your mother, you got to know that your real mother was dead and your father didn't die in a plane accident like had been told. Your father was the infamous Niklaus Mikaelson, the evil hybrid, who you thought were just creatures your guardian had come up for bedtime stories. But at the age of Y/A, the truth was revealed to you, the truth which included supernatural beings, from vampires to werewolves, and your father, which was a combination of both.

You were slightly scared, sure, but even more attracted and interested in the history that had been hidden from you and so, even though you loved your new mother, you had to leave. You were old enough to travel alone of course, so you left your hometown with a bus to make your way to Mystic Falls. Your mother told you all about it, from the wicked to the good and gave you many instructions and warnings but you were just too excited to meet your real father, and all the supernatural beings roaming the streets of the mysterious, dark little town.

You didn't blame Klaus for leaving you when you were just a little girl. You didn't blame him for giving you to a woman he used to be good friends with some years ago. Because you knew now, that you could have been in serious danger if you lived with him. With all the deadly creatures around him, you were actually kind of glad that he had given you away from himself and protected you like that. But now, you were old enough to learn and hear more, and ready to meet him which was why you sat in that bus, on your way to Mystic Falls.

You had your earphones on, nodding your head to the music that played from your phone. You liked music, and you usually had your earphones wherever you went. This time wasn't an exception. One of your current favorite songs were playing from Spotify, while you looked out of the window and adored the snowy surroundings. Compared to your hometown, Mystic Falls seemed very sweet, even though the bus hadn't even entirely reached the town yet. But it was nearby, you could tell. You felt like you belonged there, you felt drawn to it.

"Hey, what the hell?", you could hear from your other side, so you took out one earphone and looked how two guys in the back of the bus started to stumble forward, fists flying as they battled, god knows over what, but nevertheless the bus driver stopped the vehicle, causing both of the young men to stumble to the front seats.

You looked at the tanned, tallish guy who clearly had some kind of anger issues, and shivered uncomfortably when he shot you a glare. Then he turned back to his friend, who was the complete opposite. While the other guy was tanned, and had dark hair and eyes to match, the other was pale, with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hey, get out", the bus driver insisted, "I don't allow that shit in my bus." Both of the boys looked at each other in frustration, and the tanned guy gave the driver a grin, hoping to get to his good side.

"C'mon, bro, we and my buddy we're just messing with each other. We'll get out pretty soon, we're going back to Mystic Falls", he smiled, and somehow, the driver gave in and the paler boy sat down next to you. His friend found a seat of his own, and they began talking quietly, until the blue-eyed boy next to you turned to you.

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