150 » stefan

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what would be a better way to celebrate imagine number 150 than with a human!stefan imagine

okay this is not my best work,, but there's cute human stefan standing up to bullies and being just as steve rogers as one can be tbh

also i just remembered that i said a while ago that this imagine would be a crossover but it's not, sorry xx


Imagine human!Stefan saving you from bullies (PART 1/2)

 A loud sigh left your mouth as you tried to get your purse from the three tall guys surrounding you. Chewing on your lower lip, you attempted to hop high enough to get your bag, but those men were too tall for you, and so, another five minutes were spent with you being teased and pushed around. Not many men in Mystic Falls acted this way, but there was a fair share of jerks too and those three had been bullying you for years now. It wasn't violent, but they definitely knew how to flatten out your good mood, and you just wanted to grab their suspenders and smack them to their chests.

  You were a beautiful, lovely girl and the fact that those men made fun of you and teased you was utter nonsense. But although they tried, they never succeeded to make you feel insecure. You were often called fat and things like that, although you were definitely only purely perfect, but since that didn't work on you, they tried to get their hands on you. You were disgusted by such behaviour but you were too weak to defend yourself, at least compared to them. You were quite the badass, more than any other girl in Mystic Falls at least, but you weren't a match for the tall, muscular men teasing you.

  "Oh, is the little girl getting tired?", one of the men grinned when you exhaled deeply and stopped jumping up and down. You shot him a glare, and continued to do so for the others when they joined the laughter and mocked you all together. You weren't happy, but you weren't going let them bring you down, either.

  "Tired of your bullshit", you mumbled, but none of them heard. They were too busy laughing at you, and pushing you gently around, causing you to stumble on your dress and having trouble with keeping your balance. You sighed once again and gave the men a very unhappy, unsatisfied look as you attempted to get your purse from them but surely you knew you wouldn't. It just came automatically, you waving your hands and hopping, trying to reach them but it was equally pathetic each time.

  You were already losing hope and about to turn around and walk home without your wallet, book, keys and all the things hidden in your purse. But then, miraculously, a savior arrived, your very own hero, and happiness flooded into your heart when you saw the brave young man angrily walking towards the men.

  "Hey!", he yelled, "give her the purse." You smiled as you moved aside and let Stefan Salvatore deal with the situation. He wasn't exactly as tall and muscular as the other three, but he was kind and caring, and brave, and a lot more handsome than the all of them combined. You had always liked Stefan, one way or another, and he had always loved you. He and you never talked that much really, but he always defended you when you were in the need of a hero.

  "Oh yeah? What if we don't? What will you do about it anyway?", the biggest guy threatened, giving Stefan a mad look and handing the purse to one of his friends before walking to the slightly shorter man. Stefan held up his fists, and gave the guy a grin, ready to fight him.

  "I don't like bullies. I will fight you, though. You have no right to tease this lovely lady here. Give her the purse and we're done here. That's the easy way. The hard way is I knock your teeth down your throat", Stefan said confidently, sending shivers down your spine - you were impressed. Stefan was a lovely guy, very friendly and reasonable but not afraid to protect the lady in situations like these. It caused you to smile widely, and understand that you liked Stefan a little more than you had thought. He was a friend, but you couldn't come up with a single bad thing about him and you kind of wanted to grab him and kiss his lips until he aches without your mouth on his.

  "Well, you heard the man", the bully said and turned around to grab the purse, but before doing so, he made a quick turn back and aimed to punch Stefan in the jaw but the young man had seen this coming and swiftly lowered himself, surprising the bully. The fist swung through thin air and confusion washed upon his face, while Stefan dove back up and punched the guy in the face, throwing him on his back to the ground. You smiled proudly, and bit your lower lip while following from aside, you could not believe this was Stefan, but it was and it excited you.

"Next?", Stefan huffed, and moved his fists in the air, ready to lay another blow on someone's face, but before he could be given the chance, the friends of the main bully who was now knocked out on the ground, threw the purse on the ground and escaped the situation. You chuckled as you watched the run like the cowards they were, and gave a glance to Stefan before yelling at the men.

"Yeah, you better run!", you shouted, making them run even faster. You snickered, and lowered yourself to the ground to pick up your purse but Stefan went with the same thought and so you were both on your knees, hands touching and your eyes meeting. You'd think it'd be awkward, but it was actually quite adorable and it felt like the moment was in slow motion as you stared into his gorgeous eyes and felt his pale hand on top of your slightly smaller one.

"Uh, well, thank you, Stefan. It was really sweet of you to help me", you quickly said, and kissed his cheek before getting up and rushing away. You didn't know what went in you - your mind didn't cooperate anymore and you just blurted out the words and when you had left already you realized how dumb it was but it would have been even dumber to go back.

So you just kept on walking, but that was not the last time you'd see Stefan Salvatore or be that close to him. 


what a dumb ending but i was too lazy to rewrite this forgive me 

i have a good explanation tho,, i'm working on that male oc/katherine book and omg it's going to be so awesome, it'll definitely be worth the wait. can't wait to publish it tbh but it still needs some work, so !!

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