53 » stefan

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okay first of all i know the gif isn't human stef ((because yes we're going down that road AGAIN)) but there isn't one of them so it's not my fAULT OKAY ++ that gif is just adorable so i guess we're okay here

also 1.3K reads to go to 100K, which is just unbelievable, i'm so grateful to you for all you've done, and as soon as you get there, elijah smut coming your way !! but here's human stefan smut now omg i'm so sorry but i have no control ((no control omg my jam))



Imagine human!Stefan getting sex tips from human!Damon and he wants to try some with you later

"Okay, so I know you like it when Y/N is on top, but hear me out here, brother. You should try it. I know you're smaller than her and all that, but you should give it a shot. It's amazing."

This explanation managed to make Stefan Salvatore choke on his drink. It was his usual night at the local bar with Damon, they did it at least once a week to catch up on things and spend some brotherly time together, since most of his days were spent with you nowadays. He and you were in a happy relationship, had been for quite the while now, and he couldn't be happier.

Except when Damon decided to bring up stuff like these. His and yours relationship and all the sides of it, and personal stuff and what not. He hated it. Sure, Stefan loved Damon, he was his brother and his only brother too, but he could cause a real headache to the smaller Salvatore sometimes. Often, really.

"Sheesh, Damon, why would you-- God, you can't just... I'm not... 'M not small-- I mean, you can't just-- what Y/N and I do in the bedroom-- Shut up, Damon!", Stefan argued back, his small hands shaking as he tried to fight his sibling but all Damon did was grin, knowing he was right anyway. Stefan didn't really open up about your relationship, especially not about the sexual stuff because he was shy as hell, but Damon knew him well enough to know what went around in your bedroom, whether it was about sleeping or not.

He knew that you were brave enough to be the big spoon while cuddling with Stefan, and easily closed him in an embrace, and that whenever he was cold you'd hug him until he was warm, and he liked the thought. It was adorable. He also knew, that with you being taller and overall just bigger than the small Salvatore boy, you had so far always been on top whenever the two of you had sex. It was true though, but you didn't mind it, neither did Stefan, although sometimes you were afraid you'd break him but he was way too innocent and shy to take control.

Not that you and him had gotten hot and heavy too many times, though. But dating Stefan was the best thing that had ever happened to you, and you were willing to do things however he liked them to be done, and you did like most things, anyway. You loved Stefan, and even though you and him didn't get dirty every night and every morning, you had a perfect relationship and you wouldn't have changed a thing.

"Whatever you say, little brother. But you and Y/N should try spicing things up a bit. She smiles and says she loves it, and I bet she does, but what if I told you it could be better?", Damon said, as if trying to lure Stefan into making a deal with the devil himself. Stefan shuffled on the bar stool which was way too big for a man his size, and his eyes flickered from the counter where his hands were scratching off the label on his beer, to Damon who was still grinning like a maniac.

"B--Better? But it's already so perfect...", Stefan breathed out, "everything is perfect with Y/N. How do you suggest I make it better? Nothing tops Y/N."

Damon chuckled. "Unless you top Y/N", he said, and laughed out loud, proud of what he just said, while Stefan accidentally dropped the beer bottle, and several pairs of eyes turned to look at the crimson red, stuttering boy.

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