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Imagine being sired to Klaus

Three months ago, your innocent, happy teenager life took a drastic turn to a darker path on which you were dragged to against your own wishes. Only at the age of a high schooler, you were shown a different side of Mystic Falls, the flipside of a coin you were used to see in good, pure situations. You had always had a feeling that there was something mysterious about the town, and its residents, but you never expected to find yourself fraternizing with vampires and werewolves, not until a certain mixture of both kidnapped you, at least.

"Yes, love, I am the big bad hybrid, half vampire, half werewolf. Now cease your struggling before I knock you unconscious, will you?", were the first words Niklaus Mikaelson ever spoke to you, but you hadn't stopped thinking about them since you heard him. He was the villain, after all he had taken you from your friends and family to get what he wanted, since according to him, people seemed to react best to displays of violence. Yet somehow, the way he looked at you and spoke to you, seemed caring and fond.

And you weren't sure if you should have felt relieved, or just more afraid.

Your friends succeeded to locate and find you eventually, only for Klaus to snap your spine and kill you at the very second. It was a loss your friends feared to never get over, but two days later, new and improved Y/N, now a vampire, came back to life. Before Klaus had killed you, he had fed you his blood, thus protecting you from a dark death that you wouldn't be able to escape. But with his blood in your system, you woke, in transition to being a vampire which was a fate you slowly accepted.

But at first, you didn't.

From the darkness you woke, only to face another. It was different, though. You didn't feel a thing at first - it was just you, on a soft mattress you could barely recognize as one, surrounded by an utter lack of light in a space with no sounds except your heavy breathing. Then you felt your limbs, all of your body, aching and hurting and your skin wanting to crawl off. Your throat burned, you ached to have something to drink, and there was only one thing that would completely satisfy you but you didn't know it yet.

You started to pant heavier, and you lifted your pained body from the bed that squeaked as you rose, alerting any nearby people of your awakening. You pressed your feet onto the floor, and even it hurt, causing you to whimper while searching for balance and something to hold onto in the dark room. You didn't know if you were even alone, you didn't know what to do or where to go and every step was more frightening than the one before but you had to find a door and leave. That was the only thought you clung onto, even though your mind was a mess, and shouting at you in ways you could barely comprehend. You felt like your head was about to explode, but you still fought, feeling the urgent need to get the fuck out and find something to eat because you were dying.

"Love, stop rushing", you heard a calming voice, and for some reason you did stop moving, but you still held onto the bed with fear and breathed heavily while your heart raced in your chest, even if it really didn't nor shouldn't. And never would again.

You looked over to the door which had been opened, and by the light of the outside, stood a tallish man who had spoken so gently to you. You couldn't see his face, and you doubted you'd remember or recognize him anyway. "Who are you?", you still whispered, wanting to sound more brave and confident but you were weak to say the least. You had never felt so powerless, so drained, so dead.

The man with the charming accent flicked the lights on, and it blinded you, therefore you couldn't see him as he walked over to you with slow but confident steps. You slid down onto the floor, and he lowered himself to your level while you covered your eyes from the light but only enough to see his face. His face was next to yours, and a mischievous smile danced on his pink plump lips, and as those beautiful eyes full of evil and mischief sparkled under the bright light, you remembered.

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