198 » stefan

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au where elena hasn't lived in mystic falls and only moves in now

this was fun to write tbh and omg this is over 3000 words my imagines are so long nowadays ((: also the gif has mostly nothing to do with the imagine but are you really complaining ??


Imagine dating Stefan, when Elena moves to Mystic Falls and you're afraid you'll lose him to her

  "I heard there's a new girl in town."

  You lifted an eyebrow while looking at Caroline who was sitting opposite you, and you sipped on your coffee while looking around Mystic Grill where the two of you had been hanging out for the past hour. Caroline's smile was wide and genuine, and she seemed rather happy about a new potential friend to gossip with, while in your opinion, you had enough friends. A new girl would just stir the drama that had taken over your lives ever since you found out about the vampires in Mystic Falls, and especially after you and Caroline both died tragically together and joined the supernatural.

  "A new girl?", you chuckled and shook your head as you put down your cup. "You seem excited", you pointed out and gave a look to Caroline who clasped her hands together and nodded. She proceeded to rant about the pros and cons of having a new friend, and then dreamed of the perfect friend - as if you weren't one - and told you what she expected of this new girl. You just shook your head again, and sighed but smiled as your best friend rambled about everything possible, but it was good that one of you knew how to talk, because if not, you'd just sit in an awkward silence and you hated those.

  "You don't, though", Caroline then said, and you turned to look at her after viewing the surroundings and searching for a new face, if the girl happened to be at the Grill but all you saw was familiar people and it made you scoff in disappointment. You were distracted by your own thoughts, so you had to ask Caroline to repeat her words and when she did, you shrugged slightly, not wanting to seem too displeased by the fact that someone new had arrived and would most likely join your relatively, but comfortably small group of friends. But that was exactly what you were. Displeased. You couldn't help but feel like you wouldn't like her.

  "Do you feel threatened? Jealous?", Caroline asked, leaning over the table from the other side of the booth to be closer to you. You finished your coffee, feeling the warm drink slide down your throat and you pursed your lips carefully as you set the cup down and knitted your eyebrows together in confusion. Caroline gasped, thinking she was correct, whilst you couldn't really see where the question even came from.

  "Why would I be jealous, or threatened?", you asked and smiled at the blondie in amusement, struggling to see her point. Caroline leaned back, and crossed her arms as she tilted her head towards the entrance of the Grill, where you saw your other best friend, Bonnie, and with her, your beloved boyfriend Stefan. But there was a third person, one who you couldn't recognize, one you didn't remember seeing, ever.

  It was the new girl.

  And she was damn pretty, with her innocent smile and bubbly laughter and a flawless face and a body to die for. You sat up straight, and looked at the sight sternly, not believing your boyfriend was all over the girl and a feeling you had experienced before, though rarely, bubbled up in your chest and burned you as you held your fists by your sides and stared at the three of them.

  "No, I'm not jealous", you spat, but your tone was a bit too venomous and Caroline noticed this, causing her to snicker lightly while she looked at them as well. You rolled your eyes, and tried to relax, but then Stefan and Bonnie spotted you and Caroline and you had to force a fake smile when they waved at you. And even worse, they started to lead the new girl to you and her.

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