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Imagine finding Stefan, who was your husband back in the 1860s, in Mystic Falls after years of being apart

After years of sorrowing over the death of your husband, Stefan Salvatore, you found yourself traveling the world. From Mystic Falls, you drove through the United States, and then left to places like Italy, Netherlands, Germany and Finland. In Europe, United Kingdom to be exact, you found a lovely woman with whom you quickly became friends with. She turned out to be a supernatural being, a vampire, and without your awareness, she slipped her blood into your wine during a girls' night, because she knew that even if you claimed to be alright, you were still sad about your dead husband.

And she was right. During your time in the UK, you became depressed again and missed Stefan so much you tried to end yourself, quickly get rid of all the pain but hours later you woke up, dead yet alive, and in transition to vampirism. It was awful news to you, and for weeks you were angry and upset and stopped talking to the woman who turned you but eventually you learned to live as a vampire. You had always been a reasonable woman, so even though you never had anyone to guide you into the supernatural life, you didn't become a reckless ripper and kept yourself under control. Sometimes you wanted to let go, but you knew it would be dangerous, so you tried to live peacefully.

After decades of living alone, you met someone you didn't think you'd see ever again. During the 1920s, you bumped into the one and only Katerina Petrova, and as much as you wanted to strangle her, you put on a pretty smile and hid your shock and anger and asked how, and why, she was there.

"I go by Katherine Pierce nowadays. And I'm here because I've fallen in love, Y/N, for sure you remember how that feels?", she teased, and you attacked her but before managing to get a hold of her throat, she sprinted away, proving that she was a vampire as well. Anger bubbled in your chest, but not wanting to see her again, you left the town.

What you didn't know, was that as you left Chicago, you also left Stefan who was in fact very alive, and looking for you like he had done ever since he turned into a vampire.


In 1987, you met Katherine again, at a Bon Jovi concert. She once again told you how she was after the one she loved, and then left, just like you did. You had been trying to avoid her, and for a long time, you succeeded. As you left the concert, a certain someone spotted you, but thought he was just too drunk to see clearly, and ignored the nagging feeling in his heart. He had found a best friend to be with, who had also been keeping him on the rails after a serious case of losing control as a vampire.

Then, about twenty-five years later, you found Katherine near Mystic Falls. Once again, you asked what she was doing, and with determination, she stated that she was going to get the guy she had fallen for. She went to Mystic Falls, and instead of running away, you actually followed her. It had been a long time since you last stayed in Mystic Falls, but you couldn't help but feel interested in what the town looked like now, so you crossed the border and got ready for a new life in the same town that broke your heart once.

During your first night, you met a girl, Elena Gilbert, who looked exactly Katherine but you had heard of doppelgängers before so you weren't moved by it. Bonnie Bennett was someone whose company you enjoyed fairly much, just like Caroline Forbes, but Elena bothered you just because you despised Katherine. If she hadn't gotten in trouble back in 1864, the Salvatores would have never died, and your heart would have never been torn out of your chest.

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