Livestream Mistakes

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a/n: this is for meganlovesshawnyboi ! thank you for the request & I hope you love it!

It had been one of the worst days I've had in awhile. From the moment I woke up in Shawn's arms this morning and realized I was late for work, everything was destined to just get worse.

After throwing together an outfit, putting some makeup on and brushing my hair, I quickly leaned over and kissed Shawn goodbye before practically running down the stairs. My coffee didn't brew the way I liked it so the abandoned mug remained on the counter as I grabbed my keys and left the condo.

For some reason, the city traffic in Toronto was terrible today and there was no way around the bumper to bumper back up. Sighing in defeat, I dialed up my boss to briefly explain why I would be a little late. When the call ended, I rested my head on the forehead on the steering wheel which only made me accidentally honk at the person in front of me.

When I finally got to work, my patience was already running thin. The absolute last thing I wanted to do was step in that building and work my usual shift. I just wanted to go back home to my boyfriend, who no doubt was still snuggled up in bed, and cuddle with him forever. Just the thought warmed my heart and it made me dread work even more.

The office was busier than usual today and I was practically glued to my desk taking phone calls and returning emails. My lunch break was spent in a two hour meeting instead of the break room and on my way back to my desk, an intern slammed into me which in turn meant her coffee went all over my new skirt. When I finally saw the text message from Shawn which was him just checking in on me, I almost broke down. The whole day had been terrible and I just wanted to go home.

Now, finally standing in front of the door to Shawn and I's shared condo, a sigh of relief slipped past my lips at the thought of just being home. No matter how bad the day, Shawn had this magical way of always making it so much better. Whether it was with his sweet kisses, endless giggles or silly dance parties, Shawn never failed to cheer me up.

But today, I had a much different idea in mind.

Every fiber of my being wanted him in the most intimate way possible. My body was aching for Shawn's gentle touches, his loving kisses and the insane pleasure that only he can provide. So there wasn't a moment of hesitation in mind about what I was going to do to him once I was inside.

Twisting the key in the lock and pushing my shoulder against the door to open it, the condo came into view but Shawn wasn't in the living room or kitchen. A soft strum of an acoustic guitar floated down the stairs, immediately giving away Shawn's location and at the sound, a happy smile bloomed on my face.

Kicking my heels off next to the door and placing them next to Shawn's boots, I dropped my purse and keys on the counter before heading towards the staircase. The melody filling the air was an unfamiliar one, either one of Shawn's unfinished songs he was currently writing or just a random riff. Softly padding up the stairs, my heart skipped a beat as Shawn softly began singing, his beautiful voice blending perfectly with the guitar.

One of my favorite parts about living with Shawn was the constant stream of music that filled every room. Whether it was the guitar, piano, his voice or a playlist, the place was never quiet and I loved it. It wouldn't feel like home without some sort of music filling the air.

Reaching the top of the staircase, our bedroom door came into view and I eagerly rushed down the hallway. The soothing notes of the guitar grew louder and then Shawn's voice faded out slowly as if the song he was singing was finished. Carefully placing my hand on the slightly open door, I pushed it open and immediately spotted my curly headed boyfriend sitting against the headboard with an acoustic guitar in hand as his gorgeous hazel eyes flicked between his bedside table and the amazing view of Toronto from the floor-to-ceiling windows facing the bed.

Shawn Mendes Imagines !!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang