The Hockey Rivalry Bet

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a/n: I used the New York Rangers for this imagine because I'm a huge Rangers fan so it was the easiest thing to include! BUT if you watch hockey, comment your favorite team! Okay, let's get started!

Shawn's POV

"Wake up Y/N! Wake up!! Today's the day of the game," I pressed a light kiss to my beautiful girlfriend's lips before I started pestering her again. "Babyyyyy, come on! Get up," the words escaped my lips between the sweet kisses I was peppering all over her face. Since both of us are big hockey fans, we decided to make it a tradition to attend the games where my favorite team, the Toronto Maple Leafs, and her favorite team, the New York Rangers, played each other. It was guaranteed to be a great time between the intense rivalry that exists between the two Original Six teams and spending the whole day with my girl.

I continued to pester her until Y/N's gorgeous eyes fluttered open and her lips pulled up into a small smile. "Okay, I'm up! You're such a kid sometimes Shawn," she chuckled as she reached up to rub the sleep out of her eyes.

"No, I'm just extremely excited for today. You know how much I love hockey and how much I love so today is literally my defintion of a perfect day" I smiled meeting her gaze before quickly pulling her in for a warm hug. "And the Rangers suck, so I cannot wait to see your face when I win," Almost immediately, she pushed me away from her while shaking her head.

"Whatever you say Shawn. But I can't wait to see the Maple Leafs lose knowing everything you've said about them being so good is a lie," Y/N giggled trying to keep a straight face as she got out of bed and headed toward the connected bathroom. I looked out the window, taking in the breathtaking Toronto skyline that still amazed me to this day. Y/N entered the bedroom again and started pulling her outfit together. She reached for a pair of black skinny jeans, her Rangers jersey, and a pair of white converse.

"What?" Y/N asked when she turned around catching me staring. I shrugged and stood up so I could wrap her up in my arms before leaving a kiss on her forehead.

"Nothing, I just really love you and I'm also excited for the game." She smiled, rubbed her hand against my cheek and pulled me in for a long but perfect kiss.

"I love you too. Now, get ready!" Y/N said before stuffing my Maple Leafs jersey in my hands.

A few hours later

My hand was resting on Y/N's thigh as Tornoto's scenery passed us by on our drive to the arena. Y/N intertwined her fingers through mine before glancing over at me, trying to cover the smile on her face.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked curiously, looking at her quickly before returning to the road.

"You. You're so perfect and adorable and I love you so much. But I can't wait to see you lose tonight." she laughed when my jaw dropped in pretend hurt.

"We'll see about that yeah?" I said taking the turn into parking garage designated for the arena. Parking the Jeep in a space, a crazy idea suddenly popped into my mind. "Baby?"

"Hmm?" Y/N hummed in response as she unbuckled her seat belt and looked up, meeting my eyes.

"I just got this crazy idea for a bet," she nodded her head allowing me to continue explaining. "The team that wins the game tonight becomes the team our first child is a fan of," I said nervously, biting on my bottom lip ((a/n: this actually happened at a Maple Leafs game last week & I loved it so much)). Even though we'd been together for almost four years, we haven't discussed the future a lot. I tried reading Y/N's eyes but before I could, a grin blossomed on her lips.

"Okay. It's a bet Mendes." she smirked putting her hand out, ready to shake on it. I laughed and shook her hand before kissing her. "You're going down though. Our kid is definitely going to be a Rangers fan," she laughed before hopping out of the Jeep, ready for the game.

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