The Only One

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a/n: this is for @-BrentStokesgurl23-! thank you for the request & I hope you love it!

The front door slammed just as I zipped up my camera bag and placed it in the closet of Shawn and I's bedroom. Confused, my brows wrinkled as I closed the door and quickly reached for my phone to check the time. Shawn left after breakfast this morning for a day at the studio which usually meant he wouldn't be back until after the sun set. But when my phone screen lit up telling me it was only 3 o'clock, a thousand emotions rushed through my veins.

Shawn was home early.

He only cut studio sessions short if something was wrong. There have been days where he came home early and as soon as he opened the door, he collapsed in my arms in sobs, his anxiety getting the best of him. Or sometimes he rushed out on the team when I was sick or if his family needed him. Shawn was the kind of guy to drop everything the moment he heard someone he loved needed him. But today, there didn't seem to be any reason for him to be back at the condo earlier than planned unless something happened.

Feeling a jolt of worry hit my heart, I rushed out of our bedroom and padded softly down the carpeted staircase. Small mumbles were floating through the air as Shawn moved around in the kitchen, grabbing a bowl from the cabinet to pour some cereal.

"Shawn?" I called out tentatively, reaching the bottom of the stairs and heading towards the kitchen. His beloved guitar case was laying on the couch, easily giving away that he was back home. Nothing but silence answered my question and my heart started to race. "Baby? Are you home?" The question fell off my lips just as I reached the kitchen and found the tall, curly headed boy I loved so much sitting on a stool at the island eating a bowl of Fruit Loops.

Shawn's beautiful hazel eyes flickered over to me for just a moment and a sweet smile tugged at the corners of his lips but disappeared in a split second like he remembered a reason not to show his happiness. He lifted the spoon of cereal to his lips to take another bite and he remained quiet.

"Hey love," I greeted him, standing on the opposite side of the island and leaning my elbows on the granite counter. "How was the studio?" Shawn glanced up at me incredously, a few of his brown curls falling over his forehead.

"Good," he mumbled, finally met my gaze. A mix of sadness, love and envy filled Shawn's mesmerizing eyes and my heart felt heavy. Something was going on; the emotions clouding the usual bright look of his eyes was out of place.

Letting out a soft sigh, I reached across the counter to hold his left hand which he instictively let me take. A weight seemed to be lifted off his shoulders with just my touch and I offered him a gentle smile. Pushing him to spill what was wrong sometimes made it worse and I knew Shawn would open up about whatever was bothering him when he was ready. Over the year and a half we've been together, it was easy to learn when Shawn did and didn't want to talk about the thoughts buzzing around in his mind.

He stayed quiet for what seemed like forever as a small storm of emotions raged on his eyes. I could tell just by looking at him that the gears in his head were turning with a million thoughts. Shawn wasn't one to hold grudges very often but when he did, a small pout formed on his pink lips as a look of sadness covered his gorgeous features and he swallowed all of his words.

"Honey?" Shawn asked suddenly, breaking the silence that had settled over us.

"Hmm?" I hummed in response, meeting Shawn's soft gaze and trying to figure out what he was going to say next. His eyes fell to the kitchen counter before meeting mine as he pieced together his thoughts. "What is it babe?" My question was tentative but caring in hopes Shawn would reveal whatever was bothering him.

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