Sleep Tight

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"No way!" You giggle loudly at the propped up iPhone on your nightstand. "Not tonight,"

"Please babyyyy," Shawn begged, a smirk crossing his lips as he balanced his head in one of his hands. His cheeks were still rosy with the concert adrenaline still rushing through his body a few hours later.

"Nope." You smile innocently, denying your boyfriend's pleas.

"Just one song! I love when you sing and I know you've been learning something new on the guitar." Shawn raises his eyebrows hoping you would cave in. But you shook your head, standing strong.

"Tomorrow. I promise." You hold up your pinky waiting for Shawn to copy your motions. In a split second, his pinky was up confirming your promise.

"You can't break that now love. It's a pinky promise." He smiled through the camera, his eyes glinting playfully.

"I know," you laugh as you watch Shawn drag his hand through his messy curls. "How was your show tonight?"

"Amazing as usual! Europe is always really cool," Shawn explained excitedly. "It'd be even better if you were here though." He finished, a certain sadness evident in his hazel eyes as he looked at the camera.

"I miss you so much Shawn. You literally have no idea." You spoke missing your boyfriend's hugs, kisses, presence, everything about him.

"Hmm, I think I do though princess." Shawn hummed in response, a smile playing at his pink lips. "Let's see. You're wearing my hoodie and my pajama pants. Friends is playing in the background, that teddy bear I got you is on my side of the bed, you're writing and I know you put an extra spray of my cologne on that hoodie before you put it on. Oh! And we can't forget the hundreds of texts and Snapchats I get a day saying how much you miss me." he pointed out latter of factly, admiring you as he spoke. A sweet laugh escaped your lips.

"Okay okay. You caught me. It's bad but I haven't seen you in what, five months? What do you expect?" you chuckle meeting his gaze through the phone.

"The biggest hug and hours of cuddling when I get home in a month." Shawn shrugged, a blush rising to his cheeks. "But in all seriousness, I miss you so much too. I have to play that playlist you made me in order to fall asleep because the hotel rooms don't feel like home because you're not here. And," he paused almost in disbelief. "I watched three whole seasons of Gossip Girl between yesterday and today just because I missed you." He chuckled at himself.

"Wow, I'm impressed! I still haven't taken our charm bracelet off." You say pulling a warm blanket around your shoulders and showing your wrist to the camera. Shawn mimicked your actions, lifting his wrist to show the glistening charm bracelet that has been on his wrist since he left home. "What time is it there?" The question leaves your lips as Shawn tries to cover an enormous yawn.

"Late. Like um, 2 am." Shawn smiled sleepily, moving across the hotel room and settling on the bed. "But I wanna talk to youu," he dragged out the 'u' as he propped his phone up on the table next to his bed.

"Me too babe but you need your sleep." You stated simply watching your boyfriend rub his suddenly tired eyes. Shawn watched you snuggle further into the blanket you had wrapped around you and a small sigh left his lips.

"I wish I could just wrap you up in my arms right now and we could cuddle until we both fell asleep." Shawn whispered, a fond smile on his lips as he watched you blush.

"Hey Shawn?" You asked suddenly.

"Hmm?" He hummed back in response, his eyes fluttering closed for a second.

"I love you." You said sweetly watching Shawn's cheeks turn pink even after all these years of dating.

"I love you more baby." Shawn answered blowing a kiss at his phone and allowing you to catch it in the other side. You laugh lightly as you pressed the hand with Shawn's kiss to your cheek.

Comfortable silence fell for a minute with just the two of you looking at each other through the camera. FaceTime only did so much but it was nights like these that helped you get through being away from Shawn for so long. Just as you were about to speak again, you noticed Shawn tugging at his soft tshirt. Lifting the shirt over his head, his toned body was on full display and you couldn't help but stare.

"Princess," Shawn laughed leaning closer to the propped up phone. "You're definitely staring."

"No I'm not!" You shrug it off like it's nothing even though you still can't take your eyes off of him. "I'm admiring." You say sheepishly lightly biting your bottom lip as you watch Shawn snuggle underneath the blankets on the hotel bed before he props his phone up on the pillow that would be your side of the bed.

"Good?" He asked, making sure you could still see him. You nodded deciding it was also time for you to get comfortable in bed. "Baby, I cannot wait until I'm home with you again." Shawn said softly just as you propped your phone up again on one of the many pillows Shawn had on his side of the bed.

"Me either love." You answer, watching his eyes fill with even more sleepiness. His cheeks were still perfectly rosy, his messy curls were spread over the pillow, his shoulders just peeking out from the blue blanket he was under and his pink lips slightly parted.

"I'm gonna make us pancakes for breakfast and we can binge watch all your favorite shows or even have a Harry Potter movie marathon. We're gonna go on so many dates because I have so much time to make up for and I love showing you to the world. We're gonna sleep in late and I'll be able to kiss you goodnight again. Maybe we could even get a pet! And making love to you? Baby, don't even get me started on that but it's going to be amazing. Get ready for surprise kisses every moment I get and I can't wait to fall asleep next to the love of my life again." Shawn offered a lazy but sweet smile as his eyes fluttered closed against the pillow.

"All is that sounds perfect," you answer, thinking about seeing your boyfriend again in a month. "We can't forget dancing around the kitchen like idiots. I love doing that with you," Shawn's smile widened, crinkling the corners of his eyes before he opened them for meet your gaze through the phone.

"Of course, that's my favorite! Anything for my girl." Shawn said softly, a blanket of sleep slowly enveloping him. You watched the boy who stole your heart half way across the world fall asleep. The light next to his bed was still on, leaving him in perfect view for you. But in a split second decision, you decided to do something.

"Waking up to kiss you and nobody's there
The smell of your perfume still stuck in the air
It's hard," the lyrics to 'This Town' by Niall Horan fell off your lips as you began to sing softly.

"Yesterday I thought I saw your shadow running round. It's funny how things never change in this old town, So far from the stars." Your voice filled the bedroom and Shawn opened his eyes when you reached the end of the verse.

"You decided to sing tonight," he stated simply but his eyes were sparkling with amazement. A sweet smile played at his lips as he watched the blush creep into your cheeks before nodding. "Keep going baby. I love you," Shawn's eyes closed again as he settled back into bed. Picking up where you left off, you kept reciting the lyrics of the song.

"And I want to tell you everything, The words I never got to say the first time around. And I remember everything from when we were the children playing in this fairground. Wish I was there with you now," you continued. The sound of your singing somehow always made Shawn fall asleep and his voice to you. When you looked up at the phone again, Shawn's breathing was even and his lips slightly parted. You laughed to yourself before closing your own eyes against the pillow.

"Sleep tight Shawn. I love you," you said softly as you drifted into sleep as well the phone still propped up with Shawn's image on it. Even if it was impossible to sleep next to each other, falling asleep on FaceTime was pretty close to the real thing.

I just need Shawn Mendes in my life and that's it. Like this is so cute ??? Please, that's all I want!! Ugh, he's too perfect. Requests are always open!

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