Backstage Smiles

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"Hey baby!!" Shawn yelled excitedly through the phone when I accepted the call. My heart soared at the familiar sound of his soothing voice.

"Hi love! What's up?" I asked curiously, falling backwards on the bed and looking out the hotel window, seeing Sydney stretch for miles.

"Nothing much. Hanging out for a little before rehearsals in a bit and wishing you were here," Shawn stated simply, his voice immediately becoming a tone softer with sadness. A wide smile tugged at my lips as I glanced around the hotel room knowing Shawn had no idea what was going on.

"Me too baby. I miss you so much. How's London?" My voice was soft as I snuggled into one of Shawn's hoodies I had with me.

"It's amazing like always. Really rainy though. Today's the first day the sun's been out," Shawn chuckled, his smile evident as he spoke.

"Must be because you have a show today. London decided to let the sun out just for you," I giggled with a smile. The sun illuminated the hotel room in a beautiful golden light and I could hear Shawn's sweet laugh through the phone.

"You're too much Y/N. How is it at home? Has Aaliyah been over like everyday of the week?" Shawn asked genuinely interested in what my response would be. I shrugged knowing he couldn't see me before I spoke again.

"It's good, lonely without you but Aaliyah has been keeping me company. Yesterday, she came over with an extra pair of ice skates and challenged me to a one on one game. Fair to say I lost, miserably, but it was a lot of fun." I explained happily, looking back on yesterday's events. "When you get home can we go ice skating again? I miss holding your hands while you laugh at how bad I am compared to you but there's nothing else I want to do right now more than that."

"Aaliyah beat you?? C'mon baby. Your skating has gotten so much better since we've been dating and you still lost to my sister? But yes, of course we can go ice skating! I love doing that with you and apparently I have to make sure you can beat Aaliyah in your next one on one game," Shawn teases playfully but a small hint of sadness was still evident in his voice.

It had been almost six months since Shawn and I had seen each other due to the massive world tour he was currently on. But with a great idea and a well executed plan, I was in the same city he was for his show tonight and Shawn had no idea.

"Love, I've gotta go. They're starting rehearsals and sound check, I'll call you after okay? I love you." Shawn explained gloomily wishing he didn't have to hang up.

"I love you too babe. I'll talk to you later. Good luck at rehearsals!" I said, trying to disguise the giddiness in my voice that I would be seeing my longtime boyfriend in just a couple of hours. Rising from the bed and playing Shawn's new album on repeat, I unzipped my still packed suitcase and pulled out the outfit I specifically picked out for the concert tonight. My favorite pair of ripped skinny jeans matched with a pair of slip on pastel yellow vans and a light pink striped crop top. As I was tying my shoes and gathering everything together, the familiar ring of my phone cut through the music. "Hello?" I answered, not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Hey Y/N. The car is outside your hotel whenever you're ready. No rush of course but I just wanted to let you know." Andrew, Shawn's manager spoke calmly but with a burst of excitement. When I finally raveled my plan to Andrew, he was so happy about it because he knew first hand how much Shawn missed me. A wide smile grew on my lips as I listened to Andrew speak.

"Thanks so much! I'm just grabbing a few more things and I'll be on way." I said glancing at the clock on the bedside table seeing it was 4:45. "Doors don't open until five right?"

"Mhmm. Security has already been briefed so as soon as your section of the floor is filled, they're going to give a rundown about not posting anything with or about you until after the concert due to the plan." Andrew explained confidently over the bustling noise backstage.

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