Kitchen Slow Dances

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a/n: this is for @fianceeofshawnmendes! thank you for the request & I hope you love it! also, I attached "Speechless" by Dan + Shay because it's mentioned in the story & I love this song sm so you can listen while reading! enjoy!

4 Years Ago

I promised myself no relationships with anyone I worked with. Absolutely none. This job was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I couldn't screw it up. And yet, here I was about to kiss the tall, curly headed boy with the beautiful hazel eyes who caught my sight the very first day.

The moment I walked into the empty arena to meet the team on my first day, it was hard to miss the charming boy who instantly stole my breath away. He introduced himself and instead of shaking my hand professionally, he pulled me in for a warm hug. Our bodies fit perfectly together, my head resting on his chest as his strong arms held me close against him and his head settled on my shoulder.


Even his name was perfect. His smile was so adorable and heartwarming that I wanted to constantly joke with him in order to see it and hear his sweet laugh. His caramel colored eyes were always glistening happily and his long curls never seemed to not be falling over his forehead.

Everything about him made my heart race and butterflies erupt in my stomach as a new, unfamiliar feeling of love spread through my body.

Even though I told myself I couldn't do it, couldn't let myself fall for him, I did. I fell hard. After every show I wanted to hug him tightly and tell him how incredible he was on stage but instead I smiled and gave him a high five, trying to deny the feelings growing in my heart. But the closer we got, the harder it was to ignore them and I could tell he felt the same way.

And now, alone in his dressing room where it's only the two of us, there was nothing I wanted more than to confess all the feelings I had for him.

We both had Xbox controllers in our hands and were sitting so close to each other on the couch that our knees were brushing against each other. Shawn had chosen the hockey game like always and once again, he was winning. I didn't mind though, every time he won there was always a cute little celebration that made me laugh so even if I lost every single game it was worth it.

The last period was coming to an end and with Shawn's five to zero lead over me and my terrible video game skills, I knew it was a lost cause. With a wide smile, I decided to tease him and just randomly skate my players around his for no reason.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" Shawn laughed happily as he tried to steer his players around mine in hopes to score another goal.

"I'm playing the game, what does it look like Mendes?" I teased, smirking at him and raising my eyebrows. Shawn glanced at me quickly before focusing on the screen and scoring another goal, securing his win even further. "Okay we get it, you're good at this." My voice was playful as I placed my controller down next to me and rolled my eyes.

"Oh shut up. You're the one who always agrees to play," Shawn said pointedly but he couldn't stop the bright smile from spreading across his lips.

"Only because I like you," I giggled, meeting Shawn's gaze and then the realization of the words I had just said hit me. "Oh no, I-" I started but Shawn placed his large hand in my tight and cut me off with his words.

"Can I tell you something?" Shawn asked suddenly, seemingly ignoring my awkward admittance. I nodded softly while looking into his mesmerizing hazel eyes. "I like you too, more than a friend that lets me beat her in every video game imaginable. And I know you didn't mean to say that but I feel the same way." He explained shyly, his cheeks flushing with a deep blush and I felt my heart skip a beat.

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