For My Sunshine

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The familiar hollow look of anxiety had been clearly evident in Shawn's beautiful hazel eyes all week. He was spending almost every waking hour at the studio laying down melodies, recording freshly written lyrics and completing songs for his next album. And although he loved creating music more than anything, I began to notice the exhaustion that certainly didn't go unnoticed when he came over to my apartment. His eyes droopy with sleep and all he wanted was cuddles as he wrapped me up in a tight hug as he mumbled sweet words; it had become a routine the whole week.

Despite my constant comfort and snuggles with him where I played with messy but adorable curls until he fell asleep, I wanted to do more. Whenever I was even slightly upset about the littlest thing, no matter how silly or serious it was, Shawn was always able to cheer me up with small surprises or kind gestures.

So this morning, when he kissed me with an adorable lazy smile on his lips and got out of bed to get dressed before saying 'I love you', I decided to surprise him.

Shawn constantly insisted he wasn't stressed but I knew everyday when he grudgingly pulled his arms away from me to get up, that all he wanted to do was sleep a little more and forget the other responsibilities he had. After pushing his curls back and giving him a warm kiss before he left this morning, my heart was full of so much love that the decision was almost an afterthought.

Scrambling out of bed the moment the front door closed behind him, I rushed down to the kitchen. Turning the oven on, I began to put all the ingredients together to make my signature chocolate chip cookies while dancing around to the playlist Shawn had made for me. The first time Shawn had my homemade chocolate chip cookies it was our first Thanksgiving together when he insisted he wanted to experience the holiday with my family. The moment he stole a cookie off my plate playfully and ate it, his eyes widened in surprise.

And since that day two years ago, the cookies had become a comfort food for the both of us. I had even shared the treasured recipe with him on a rainy day when he begged me to bake. The chocolate chip cookies always made Shawn feel better and guaranteed the appearance of the beautiful smile of his I loved so much.

As the warm smell of freshly baked cookies filled the kitchen, I quickly got changed and brushed my teeth all while dancing throughout the hallway with pure happiness. Doing little things like this for my boyfriend always made my heart swell because no matter how many times I did them, Shawn never expected it.

Pulling the hot tray out of the oven and delicately removing the cookies to place them in small container, the easily recognizable tone of an incoming call filled the room. Hastily, I disconnected my phone from the Bluetooth speaker and tried not to burn myself on the cookies as I accepted the call without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked uncertainly, tucking the phone between my shoulder and ear to continue scooping the cookies off the tray.

"Hey babygirl," Shawn's smooth voice came through the speaker. A bright smile spread across my lips at his simple words.

"Hi love. What's up? How's it going at the studio?" The questions left my mouth as I closed the container holding part of Shawn's surprise.

"It's great! We finished one song and we're working on another right now. Just wanted to call and check in," Shawn admitted softly, a tone of excitement evident as he spoke. Since we started dating two years ago, Shawn always called at unnecessary times to check in on me. It was his silent way of saying that he missed me but it was also really sweet to have the person who meant everything to me just wanting to know how I was doing.

"Everything is all good here. Am I going to ever hear these new songs?" I teased jokingly, reaching for my car keys before leaning against the kitchen counter. Shawn laughed heartily, making my heart soar with an unbelievable amount of love.

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