Long Showers & Endless Giggles

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The exact moment the hot water hit my skin, instantly relaxing my tense muscles and relieving all the stress of such a long day, I heard the bathroom door open followed by my boyfriend's soft footsteps on the tile. He must've just gotten home from the studio and realized the condo was quiet except for the bathroom that was connected to our bedroom.

"Hey babygirl," Shawn's sweet voice floated over the water and a smile instantly spread across my lips.

"Hi love," I called back, the shower door the only thing separating the two of us. The door clicked shut behind him, keeping all the steam from my hot shower in the small bathroom. "How was work?" The question left my mouth as I took in the relaxing feeling from the water for a little longer.

"Good. We finished two more songs today which means the album is even closer to being finished." Shawn replied, happiness evident in his words as he spoke. I could vaguely see his tall figure move around the bathroom and just as I was about to reach for my shampoo, he spoke up again. "Can I join you baby?" He asked almost tentatively, like the two of us hadn't showered together before.

An uncontrollable giggle escaped my lips at his question and I knew without even seeing him, that breathtaking smile I loved so much was plastered on his face.

"Of course honey." I replied with a giddy smile and before the words even finished leaving my mouth, I heard the soft noise of his shirt being dropped to the tile floor. He slipped out of his boots before taking his socks off. His skinny jeans followed close behind and then his boxers joined the pile of his clothes on the floor.

The shower door opened suddenly and there was Shawn, every inch of his toned body exposed, with a boyish but adorable smile on his lips as he carefully stepped in with me. His foot slipped just a little bit and in a slight act of panic, he placed his large hands on my shoulders to steady himself.

"Hey sweetheart." Shawn said bashfully, quickly wrapping his arms around me as his cheeks became rosier. His curls lost their signature fluffiness as the water ran down his body while he held me tightly.

"You're so clumsy," I laughed, rubbing my hands up and down his back, feeling the dips of his muscles. Shawn shrugged before pressing a sweet kiss to my forehead.

"Do we have to take a hot shower?" he asked suddenly, reaching behind me to change the temperature of the shower. The water became a little colder and a shiver ran through my body.

"Shawn stop, that's freezing! Yes we're going to take a hot shower because you're the one that joined me. Who even takes cold showers anyway?" I exclaimed, quickly turning the water hot again and Shawn just chuckled.

"I do." He stated simply, his eyes locked on mine before he let his gaze travel down my body, memorizing every little detail.

"Yeah and you're weird." I teased before kissing his chest and creating a trail until I cradled his cheeks in my hands and connected our lips. Shawn's large hands roamed over my body as mine found his wet curls and we got lost in the moment. The water flowed over us as our naked chests were pressed against each other, skin on skin, trying to be as close as possible.

"You like it steamy eh?" Shawn mumbled against my now slightly swollen lips from making out with him. Playfully, I hit his chest and a wide smile blossomed on my face.

"Shut up Mendes." I giggled, trying to reach around his broad body for my shampoo but failing. Without looking, Shawn grabbed the correct bottle off the shelf and a smirk grew on his pink lips. "Can you wash my hair?" My question floated through the air and Shawn just nodded quickly in response.

Placing one of his large hands on my hips, he carefully turned us around so he was in the constant flow of water. Squirting the correct amount into his palm, it wasn't long until his fingers were massaging the shampoo into my hair, instantly relaxing me. Resting my back against his chest, Shawn began leaving wet kisses down my neck as he continued to wash my hair. A content sigh escaped my lips as I closed my eyes and enjoyed Shawn's gentle touch. Then, out of nowhere, a stab of pain hit my right eye.

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