Such A Tease

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"Hey baby?" Shawn's voice floated down the stairs and through the condo. Turning the TV volume down from my spot on couch, I placed my feet on the carpet and padded over to the staircase.

"What's up love?" I called up the stairs, waiting for his response. Some shuffling could be heard and then the bedroom door opened again.

"I need your help," Shawn spoke softly almost like he was admitting defeat. A chuckle left my lips as I began climbing up the stairs to meet my fiancé at the top.

"I'm coming," my voice filled the hallway as I neared the room. Gently pushing the bedroom door open, Shawn was no where in sight. "Shawn?" I questioned, fully entering the room. My eyes travelled from the large windows that put Toronto on display to Shawn's side of the bed where I spotted him clad in only his Tommy Hilfiger boxers, his cheeks flushed pink with blush. "What are you doing?" I asked trying to contain my laughter as my eyes roamed across Shawn's insanely fit and attractive body.

He shrugged and a playful smile appeared on his lips at the sight of me. "I need help picking out an outfit for later on." Shawn spoke laughing before running a hand through his messy but adorable curls. "This is like a really big deal and I don't wanna look like an idiot," he muttered watching my face, the smile on his lips growing wider.

Shawn and I were going out with my parents for dinner tonight. Even after five, almost six years together, he still got a little nervous around my parents. Each time I reassured him they loved everything about him and although it helped, there will always be a little bit of nervousness there.

"Shawn, we're going out with my parents not attending the Grammys." (a/n: LET ME CRY FOR A SECOND). I chuckled walking over to where he was standing in front of his closet, hangers pushed in all different directions.

"Exactly! It's your parents!" Shawn exclaimed, slightly throwing his hands in the air before pouting. "Will you please just help me love?" He asked sweetly, his bottom lip protruding out like a little kid. I shook my head with a smile.

"Okay, okay! Let's go, show me what you've got," I laid my hands on his bare chest and playfully shoved him as I laughed. He grabbed my wrists quickly and pulled me in for a short but loving kiss. "And put some pants on at least," I mumbled against his lips when he pulled away.

"Why? I know you love the view," Shawn smirked teasingly, pulling away from me and grabbing some hangers from the closet. A large array of patterned button ups and blazers emerged from the closet in Shawn's hands and he carefully laid them out on the bed. "Everything with the usual black skinny jeans and my boots," Shawn pointed out as I gazed over his selections.

"Try this one on," I picked up the zigzag patterned black and white shirt that he had bought for the VMA's one year but never wore. Shawn nodded, scooped up his jeans and took the shirt from my hands. I plopped down on our soft bed as Shawn carefully unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them on. Leaning back on my arms, a light giggle left my lips as I watched Shawn's movements. Playfully rolling his eyes, he slipped his arms through the button up shirt. "Here," I quietly said, waving him closer to me. Kneeling on the bed, my fingers delicately moved up Shawn's chest as I secured each button. His gaze was focused on my hands the whole time until I patted him lightly, signaling I was done.

"So?" Shawn asked, rolling the sleeves up a little until he was content and met my gaze. My eyes lingered too long on his body, memorizing every detail about the outfit and I caught myself biting my lower lip. "Y/N," Shawn whined.

"Sorry," Snapping out of my thoughts, I did one more look over and shook my head. "No. Although I really love it, it's kinda too sexy for dinner with my parents?" I questioned waving my hand at him. A smirk slowly grew on his lips while he began undoing the buttons.

Shawn Mendes Imagines !!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora