Scars To Your Beautiful

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a/n: this is for MissBilyj! thank you for the request & I hope you like it! this one is loosely inspired by Alessia Cara's song "Scars To Your Beautiful " which is attached! also, there is a trigger warning for this one for the mention of self harm. if you aren't comfortable with it, please don't hesitate to skip this update.

Shawn's soft lips left a burning trail of hungry yet loving kisses from my jawline down my neck as his large hands wandered over my body under the large tshirt of his I was wearing. My skin was tingling and pure pleasure coursed through my veins as Shawn nipped at my neck while his thumbs drew gentle circles on my stomach. My hands were tangled in Shawn's long, messy curls and he hummed happily at the calming touch. His hazel eyes were dark with lust but the easily recognizable twinkle of love was still evident.

"So beautiful," Shawn mumbled against my neck, kissing my burning skin again before nuzzling his face there. My heart soared with the familiar feeling of love. Without even thinking about it, Shawn always reminded me in simple ways about how much he loved me and how stunning I was even if I didn't believe it myself.

Our relationship was just about half a year old and to say the last six months had been incredible was an understatement. Shawn made every moment amazing. Whether we were cuddled up watching a movie or going on some spontaneous adventure, my heart had never been happier than it has been with Shawn.

His arms quickly became home to me, the place where I felt the safest. His smile became the light of my life and his happiness was the most important thing to me. I hadn't ever met someone like him; with his beautiful soul and golden heart. And the fact that he was mine, that I got to love him everyday, amazed me.

But as the months passed, every time we started to get intimate, and although I wanted it more than anything, I always stopped him before going too far beyond our usual teasing. At first Shawn was confused and being the gentleman he is, respected my decision but the reason behind my actions was something I knew would scare him away if he knew.

Only now, as my body ached for Shawn's tender touches and warm kisses, the thought of stopping this was the farthest thing from my mind.

"Shawn," My voice seemed distant but it was full of adoration for the curly headed boy in front of me. Shawn lifted his eyes to meet mine and instantly my heart swelled. "I love you," I said effortlessly, running my hands through his wild curls and he smiled boyishly.

"I love you so much more babygirl," he whispered lovingly before connecting our lips in a deep kiss. Shawn's arms wrapped around me, holding my body close to his as the pure magic of the kiss enveloped us.

Pulling away, Shawn met my gaze for a second as I gently rubbed my thumb over the small scar that sat right outside of his smile. It was absolutely adorable and one of those little things that I loved about him. Shawn's cheeks flushed with a deep blush as a breathtaking smile spread across his pink lips again. My heart squeezed with love and despite my mind warning me that my next decision would be a mistake, I wanted Shawn more than ever. I wanted to feel every inch of him and let myself get lost in his love.

My body was crumbling under him and my heart was racing faster with each passing second as I waited to feel Shawn's touch again. "Baby," I whined, running my hands over his bare shoulders, feeling his muscles move under my touch. "Please." The word feel off my lips as a I begged for him to continue.

"You're sure love? I don't want you to feel pressured to do anything. You know I'm totally okay with waiting for whenever you're ready." Shawn asked sweetly, his voice quiet but genuine concern covered his words as he double checked I was okay with my decision. His hands were moving agonizingly slowly over my burning skin and my mind scrambled to put my thoughts together.

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