Jeopardy & Laughs

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"Baby!" Shawn called excitedly as he loudly bounded down the stairs. His sock clad feet, padded on the carpet until he reached the bottom of the staircase and spotted me all snuggled up on the couch with a book. A smile grew on his lips as he entered the living room. "Love, do you know what time it is?" He asked playfully, unable to keep a straight face but I ignored him, wrapped up in the plot line of the novel.

"I don't know Shawn. Check your phone?" I replied, flicking my eyes off the page just once to look at the tall, curly headed boy that I was lucky enough to call my boyfriend.

Shawn looked absolutely adorable from the quick look I stole of him. He was clad in a pair of gray sweatpants and noticeably, wasn't wearing a shirt. His chocolate curls were messy, falling over his forehead, and extra fluffy while his beautiful eyes sparkled with happiness. It was hard not to let my gaze travel down his toned chest and torso but when I caught sight of his bright smile, the one that always made my heart skip, I couldn't help the surge of love rushing through my veins.

Shawn rolled his eyes and let out an audible sigh but the giddy smile never left his face. Whenever a book was in front me, Shawn seemingly ceased to exist unless there were cuddles involved. He loved how much I adored reading, never let me forget it, and being sucked into different worlds or learning about fictional characters. The nights where his head was in my lap while I played with his curls and read were his absolute favorites. In fact, it was during one of those moments, which he later told me about, that he realized he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.

But right now, he didn't want to watch me peacefully read my book while all snuggled under a blanket. He wanted my full undivided attention and I simply wasn't giving it to him.

Suddenly, the book was pulled from my hands, Shawn knowingly keeping my page with his finger while at the same time, grabbing the remote to turn the TV on.

"Shawn, what the-" I started, confused about what just happened but Shawn cut me off before I could finish the sentence.

"Jeopardy starts in two minutes babe! Are you really telling me after two years, you almost forgot about our date?" Shawn exclaimed happily before wrinkling his eyebrows in a teasing manner while putting the bookmark in my novel.

"I could never forget about our Jeopardy dates love. They're the highlight of every week." I giggle as Shawn quickly changes the channel and settles in on the couch behind me. Lifting the blanket to cover his own body, he pulls me between his legs and wraps his strong arms around me. With my back against his toned chest, I snuggle in closer to him as Shawn pressed multiple sweet kisses to my shoulder before nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck.

Just as he kissed a trail of warm kisses up my jawline, the well known music of the game show filled the room. Instantly, Shawn's face lit up with joy as he squeezed me a little tighter.

When I moved in with Shawn about a year and a half ago, we accidentally started this tradition of having a Jeopardy date every Thursday night. It began one day where I was still settling in the condo and Shawn was on the couch trying to answer the questions on TV, but failing pretty miserably.

Ditching my last efforts to unpack the rest of my things, I joined him for some snuggles and easily answered a bunch of the questions that were put up as challenges for the contestants. Shawn was truly amazed that I knew the correct answers and it became a date night where every Thursday night, we cuddled up and watched the new episode of Jeopardy. With each passing week, Shawn got better and better with the questions and turned it into a game of who got more answers correct. The tradition stuck and even if the boys teased him about it often, claiming we were a married couple, we both loved it more than anything.

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