Rooftop Smiles

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The bright sunlight basked everything in a beautiful glow signaling it was the perfect summer day. Every window in the house was open, allowing the warm breeze to drift through the rooms and the soft chirping of birds filled the air. A content sigh left my lips as I poured a glass of lemonade for myself before placing the pitcher back in the fridge. Leaning against the counter, I watched the green leaves of the trees dance in the wind and the golden rays of sunlight falling across the horizon before realizing the house was unusually quiet. Music wasn't playing like it almost always was and because Shawn was in another room, his adorable yet constant chatter was missing.

Leaving my half full glass of lemonade on the counter, I crossed the kitchen, my sandals squeaking on the brand new tile floor, and entered the living room. A few boxes sat open around the couch still unpacked but Shawn's beloved blue guitar was delicately laid out on the couch where he had left it this morning after playing a new song for me. A smile spread across my lips at the memory as I continued to look for Shawn. Standing in front of the stairs, I listened carefully to see if I could hear any movement that gave away where he was.

"Shawn?" I called up the staircase, hoping I would get a response. Nothing but the calming summer noises from outside could be heard. "C'mon Mendes, where are you?" I muttered as I began to climb the stairs still in search for my fiance. Hung on the walls were multiple pictures of Shawn and I throughout our relationship and with just a glance at them, my heart filled with happiness. He really was the love of my life and I couldn't wait to spend the rest of my life with him. I reached the top of the stairs and found the hallway bright with sunlight and the doors to most of the rooms open. "Shawn?" His name rolled off my tongue as I peeked into each room, still not finding him. Suddenly, my phone rang with an incoming call, disrupting my thoughts and I saw Shawn's name on the screen before picking up.

"Hey babygirl! Go into our bedroom real quick," Shawn exclaimed excitedly, the smile evident in his voice.

"Shawn, where are you? I've been looking for you for like ten minutes now," I laughed lightly as I continued down the hallway before turning into our bedroom. "You're not in here?" I questioned as my eyes looked around the room.

"Check the window," Shawn replied, his voice happy and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Why?" I asked confused now facing the window, trying to figure out what he was up to.

"Because," Shawn answered back cheekily and I laughed lightly as I slowly padded across the carpet. Just as I reached the window, I heard the call end. Confusion washed over my face as I pushed my phone back in my shorts pocket and leaned out the windowsill a bit. "Hi baby," Shawn smiled widely, on the other side of the window.

"What the-? Shawn why are you on the roof?" I questioned in disbelief, meeting his beautiful hazel eyes and if possible, his smile grew even wider.

"Come here," he said simply, holding his hands out through the window to help me step out onto the roof. Carefully, I sat on the window ledge and gently placed my hands in Shawn's larger ones, before swinging my legs my outside. Gaining my balance on the shingles, Shawn pulled me up and we were both standing on the small roof that overlooked the backyard. The view was gorgeous and as my eyes traveled across the scene in front of me, I noticed Shawn rubbing small circles on the top of my hand. Turning towards him, Shawn flashed his breathtaking smile and squeezed my hand a little.

"Alright love, what in the world are you doing up here?" A soft giggle escaped my lips at how crazy it was that we were standing on the roof like it was totally normal. Shawn just smirked teasingly and took one slow step backwards holding my hands and I took a sharp breath of nervousness. Tentatively following his small step, I caught sight of what was behind him. A light blanket was spread out on the roof with two books and a pile of cd's, undoubtedly made by Shawn himself, next to a small radio. "Shawn? What is this?" My question was filled with curiosity and love.

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