Christmas Cookies

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Snow was falling softly outside the windows on Shawn's Toronto condo. The city was covered in a blanket of white just in time for Christmas. The house was warm despite the snow swirling around outside. Shortly, I noticed my boyfriend wasn't next to me in bed so I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and reached for my favorite hoodie of Shawn's. After pulling it over my head and adjusting my red fuzzy socks, I headed downstairs. 

"Shawn?" I asked softly as my feet padded down the carpeted stairs.

"In the livingroom love," his sweet voice met me just as I reached the bottom of the staircase. Shawn was sitting on the couch in a hoodie and a pair of gray sweatpants with his messy curls laying on his forehead. A mug of hot chocolate was in his hands and my mug was sitting on the coffee table in front of him. He gently placed his mug down when he saw me. 

"Good morning baby," he said while a lazy smile spreading across his face, stretching out his arms signaling for me to join him. I settled in next to him and he placed a soft kiss to my lips before I placed my head on his chest. 

"Good morning babe," I whispered as I snuggled in closer to him trying to absorb more of his body heat. Shawn wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in closer and I looked up at the TV.

"You're watching my favorite Christmas movie without me?" I gasped in disbelief, pulling away from him and clutching my heart in pretend hurt. He chuckled and planted a kiss on my forehead. 

"I'm in a very Christmassy mood today because of the snow," he simply stated with a smile. "And Elf  was just conveniently already in because we watch it literally all the time," a sweet laugh escaped Shawn's lips when I decided to forgive him and snuggle with him again.

"I have an idea," I mumbled into Shawn's hoodie.

"Hmm?" Shawn hummed back in response while running his large hand through my hair.

"We should bake Christmas cookies! We bought all the supplies last week but we still haven't done it," I suggested eagerly. A large smile blossomed on Shawn's face in seconds.

"Sounds like the perfect plan, baby."


"Okay, preheat the oven to 350 degrees and grab the flour from the cabinet," I instructed Shawn as I placed the cookies on a tray. 

"Gotcha," Shawn rushed over to the oven and switching the settings to what I told him to. Christmas music was playing through the speaker that was positioned on the counter and Micheal Buble was currently flowing through the room. 

"You even put my favorite Christmas album on your playlist?" I asked.

"Of course baby. I could never forget the Christmas album you're completely in love with," Shawn wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and nuzzling his head in your neck. He hummed along softly to the music and slowly started rocking us both back and forth. The songs switched and the familiar beginning of Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas started playing through the speaker.

"Ahh! My favorite!" I twisted around in Shawn's arms to see him grinning. 

"All I want for Christmas issss, youuuu!" I sang happily and tapped Shawn's nose before planting a kiss on his rosy cheeks.

Breaking away from his grasp, I started dancing around the kitchen island singing the lyrics loudly. Shawn's laugh broke through the melody and then his voice joined in with mine before he slipped his arms around me again and we started dancing together.

"I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know. Make my wish come trueeee, all I want for Christmas is youuu!" Shawn sweetly sang in key as I continued to recite the lyrics with a huge smile.

Shawn wrapped his arms around me tighter as we spun around enjoying this moment and laughing at how silly we must look but we couldn't care less. The moment felt like it was out of a cheesy but perfect Christmas movie. The way we were dancing. The way Shawn's eyes filled with love never left mine and his smile was so wide that the corners of his eyes were crinked. I felt completely safe wrapped up in Shawn's strong arms like the rest of the world didn't exist.

"I love you so so much Y/N. You have no idea." Shawn whispered after the song came to an end. 

"I love you too Shawn. More than anything." I pressed a deep kiss filled with love against his lips. "Now, let's go. These cookies aren't going to bake themselves."

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