Talks With You

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It was a warm summer night and as the sun started to slowly set in the sky while the fireflies began flickering through the yard, I had never seen a more perfect view. Shawn and I were laying out in his parents backyard holding hands as my head gently rested on his shoulder. We had stopped by for dinner since he was home from tour and as soon as we were done, he pulled me outside to enjoy the weather. The simple moment was perfect and I couldn't help but pull my eyes away from the sky every once in awhile to admire my handsome boyfriend.

Shawn's beautiful hazel eyes were sparkling in the late evening sunlight and a soft but adorable smile tugged at the corners of his pink lips. His cheeks were rosy with a mix of blush and the summer heat and his messy curls were falling over his forehead like always. It was hard not to fall more and more in love with him each time I looked at him.

Our relationship was just only a year old but it had been the best time of my life. It felt like I had known Shawn forever in such a short amount of time and it didn't take me very long to fall completely in love with him. I had simply never met anyone else like him. The way he loved me was like no other. His sweet kisses, long hugs and little gestures that silently said 'I love you' without him speaking a word, always made my heart full.

Years ago I was dreaming about a boy like him and now, here I was.

"What are you thinking about love?" Shawn asked sweetly, snapping me out of my thoughts. He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and gently caressed my cheek as a boyish smile appeared on his lips. Lifting my eyes to meet his, my heart fluttered with happiness and I couldn't help but smile.

"You," I shrugged playfully with a little giggle. "And how much I love you." Shawn's breathtaking smile grew even wider at my words.

"You're the cutest, you know that?" Shawn said bashfully, his cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink. "Just so happens I was also thinking about you." he admitted suddenly and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"Oh really? What about me?" I questioned curiously, moving my head off his shoulder and onto the cool grass and Shawn turned to meet my gaze.

"This is gonna sound so stupid," Shawn chuckled heartily, the corners of his eyes crinkling with his bright smile. "But I was wondering what your favorite Harry Potter spell was. How have we gone a whole year without talking about this?"

"You're unbelievable Mendes. I really thought you were gonna say something really sweet like a normal boyfriend but you want to know what my favorite Harry Potter spell is??" Shaking my head with a laugh, I jokingly rolled my eyes at him.

"Babe, this is important! It could be a deal breaker," Shawn teased, his happy smile evident in his words.

"Accio." I stated quickly, naming the first spell off the top of my head. Shawn's face scrunched up for a split second before his caramel colored eyes full of wonder met mine.

"What? Why?" he asked, delicately rubbing his thumb over my kunckles as our intertwined fingers sat in the small space between Shawn and I's body.

"Because when you're on tour, I wouldn't have to wait for flights or anything. I could have you by my side in seconds anytime I missed you." I confessed, feeling my heart swell with love as Shawn's face lit up with pure happiness as I spoke.

"Ohmygod okay, that's not my favorite but definitely not a deal breaker. That's adorable." Shawn said with a tiny giggle before kissing my cheek, his touch lingering for a few seconds and warming my skin.

"What about yours?" The question fell off my lips as the golden sunlight fell across Shawn's face perfectly.

"Expelliarmus just because I've always thought it was really cool. But I think you convinced me that Accio is a better pick." Shawn smiled cheekily and the warm, familiar feeling of love coursed through my veins and nothing but happiness enveloped me.

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