Thanksgiving Traditions

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a/n: this is for xejjjj- ! thank you for the request & I hope you love it! also, this is based off the picture that is mentioned in another imagine of this book, "Love Letters"! enjoy!

"Shawn could you help me please?" Karen called from the kitchen as I noticed Manny leaning against the counter slightly laughing at his wife. "Your father here, thinks it's so funny that I'm struggling with the potatoes," she exclaimed, rolling her eyes but a playful smile was on her lips.

"Yeah Mum," Shawn chuckled, rising from his seat at the dining room table and placing a warm kiss on my forehead. "Be right back baby," he mouthed silently before entering the room over to help his mom.

"I really thought that the longer Shawn dated you, the quicker all the lovey dovey stuff would stop but I was so wrong. It's been four years and it's still happening," Aaliyah laughed in her seat next to me as I watched Shawn in the kitchen. Through the small opening between the two rooms, I could see him carefully mushing the mashed potatoes just the way his mom wanted. His back muscles were moving perfectly under his button up shirt and besides admiring him, my heart swelled when he smiled proudly when his mom complimented him.

"Liyah, one day you'll be the same way with the love of your life and you won't think it's so ridiculous. You just can't get your mind around it because it's your older brother," I giggled as Aaliyah nodded quickly.

"Exactly! It's Shawn! I knew the day he met you that you were gonna be around for awhile though. He came home that day and wouldn't shut up about you. Mum and Dad were the same way for like months leading up to today because it's your first Thanksgiving with us," Aaliyah explained with a wide smile, her eyes filled with happiness.

"I know, Shawn told me how excited you guys were and it's the cutest thing ever. I'm so excited to be here though. It's my first Canadian Thanksgiving!" I exclaimed excitedly and Aaliyah giggled before hugging me tightly just as Shawn and his parents entered the room.

"Liyah, stop stealing herrr," Shawn whined playfully, placing the large bowl of mashed potatoes on the table as his mom and dad put other dishes of food out. His younger sister immediately shot back with an eye roll before smiling when Shawn sat down next to me. "Hey love," he said softly, kissing my cheek while his parents settled into their seats on the opposite side of the table. "You're a true Canadian today so I better hear some eh's today," Shawn laughed and his entire family chuckled lightly with smiles at his comment.

"Only because I love you," I smiled, feeling my heart swell with pure adoration for the tall, curly headed boy that stole my heart.

"Alright, let's eat everyone!" Manny said happily with a clap of his hands. In seconds, plates full of steaming, delicious food were being passed around the table.

Shawn and I had been together for four years now and we decided early on to alternate spending holidays with our families. This year, the Mendes' got Thanksgiving with us which meant celebrating in October rather than in November. It was different but I was so excited to experience a Canadian Thanksgiving for the first time.

Quickly, Manny and Karen had jumped into telling stories from all the Thanksgivings in the past including the one where Shawn almost burnt the whole house down while baking. Tons of laughs were shared over the amazing meal as we all bonded around the table, creating memories for another holiday. Even though I was incredibly nervous to meet Shawn's family for the first time, they immediately accepted me in with welcoming arms and in seconds, I was part of the family. It certainly wasn't what I was expecting but it was so nice to be loved by Shawn's family especially because he meant so much to me and I knew he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

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