Hot Wings & Burning Questions

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a/n: this is for vanegtzf !! thank you for the request & I hope you love it!

"Why did I agree to do this again?" Shawn questioned, shaking his head with an adorable chuckle as he lifted the glass of cold water to his pink lips. The heat from the last wing he just ate was hitting him hard and although the questions were mostly innocent, Shawn was squirming in his seat under the pressure.

The host of Hot Ones, Sean Evans, laughed as Shawn shook his head dramatically. In the beginning, being a guest on the show seemed like a great idea. Just an interview while eating some hot wings. But now he was more than half way through, reaching the hottest sauces yet and the questions were heating up too.

"Okay, this next one is really good." The host said with a chuckle and Shawn tried to focus on the words while trying to fight the tingling sensation in his mouth.

"Man, spill it. I almost can't feel my tongue," Shawn admitted, his thoughts clouded as he focused on the burning brought on by the extremely hot sauce that doused the last wing he ate.

"So you've been dating your long time girlfriend, Y/N, for almost five years now." Shawn nodded at the host's words, thinking of his girl and glancing over to the camera where she was standing with a bright smile on her face, arms crossed over her chest as she watched the embarrassing interview unfold. "Any plans to propose soon?"

Easy. Shawn knew the answer to this question instantly. Not even the heat from the wings could make him forget about his love.

"I mean yeah, really soon actually. Can't tell you much more than that, but yeah. I've been waiting for the right time in both our lives but I love her so damn much that I'm ready to ask whenever at this point. The day she's finally my wife will be one of the happiest moments of my entire life." Shawn spilled, his words full of adoration as he spoke and a dreamy look appearing in his gorgeous hazel eyes.

Sean Evans nodded happily before picking up the next wing, covered in the third hottest wing sauce in existence. Shawn looked over to where Y/N was standing again to find a look of wonder and love painted across her face from his loving words.

Pulling his attention back, Shawn hesitantly ate the next wing, instantly feeling the heat the moment he took a bite. Ignoring the slight pain, he finished chewing and waited patiently for the next question.

"Next one, how are you feeling?" The host asked Shawn, who noticed his lips were tingling and he almost couldn't sit still anymore. The heat was becoming unbearable and he wasn't sure if he would make it through the rest of the interview.

"How do you do this?" Shawn asked incredulously, taking a big gulp of the milk from the glass next to him. "My eyes are watering. Do you see this? I'm crying!" He laughed heartily, sending Y/N's heart into a frenzy at the adorable sound as the camera focused in on Shawn. His cheeks were extra rosy from the pressure of the questions and the heat of the wings, while his caramel colored eyes became clouded with tears, but he still looked undeniably cute to his girlfriend who was watching him suffer.

"Just used to it," Sean Evans shrugged as if it was no big deal and not showing any reaction to the hot sauce. "This question might be hotter than that wing you just ate though," he started and Shawn furiously shook his head, downing the rest of the cold water in his glass.

"No way, man. That's- that's insane! Whatever you're about to ask me can't be as bad as this." Shawn interrupted, a bright smile blossoming on his lips.

"Okay, then." Sean Evans chuckled as one of the show's assistants filled both of Shawn's empty glasses again. "What's your favorite position in bed?"

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