Like A Gentleman

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a/n: this is for shawnsbub !! thank you so much for the request & I hope you love it!!

"Uncle Shawn, what are you doing?" Avery giggled as Shawn pulled out the chair from the table for her.

"Pulling out the chair for you, Avery. What does it look like?" Shawn teased playfully and my six year old niece continued to laugh at his actions.

"You only do that for Aunt Y/N, never for me." Avery pointed out, but climbed up into the seat and sat down across from me anyway. The diner was busy around us with the usual breakfast rush, but the three of us desperately wanted some pancakes for brunch so nothing would make us turn away.

"Just being a gentleman. If you ever get a boyfriend in the future, make sure he does that for you. You deserve to be treated like a princess, got it?" Shawn explained happily as Avery nodded her head quickly.

"Whatever you say, Uncle Shawn. But boys are gross." Avery scrunched her nose up in a disgusted face before shaking her head. "Except for you because you love Aunt Y/N so much you gave her that really pretty ring and you're really nice."

A breathtaking smile blossomed on Shawn's lips at the little girl's words. Shawn first met Avery at one of my family's big summer barbecues a few years ago and she immediately took a liking to him. He played tag with her which she loved because with his long legs, he never got tired of running after her and always danced around the living room to her favorite songs or the two of them ganged up to pull a prank on me. Whatever it was, Avery loved the tall, curly headed man I was lucky enough to call mine.

After Shawn proposed and Avery noticed my engagement ring, she couldn't have been anymore excited and was genuinely happy she would have Shawn around for a very long time.

So when my sister asked if I could watch Avery for a day when her and husband took some time off to spend with each other, I instantly agreed knowing how much both Shawn and I loved her.

The waitress arrived at our table to take our orders and in minutes, three large piles of pancakes were set in front of us.

"Syrup please?" Avery asked kindly, practically bouncing up and down in her seat. Shawn chuckled before pouring the delicious maple syrup over her pancakes and then mine before doing his own.

Brunch passed by before we knew it and we were getting back in the Jeep as Avery avidly talked about what she wanted to do when we got back home.

"Aunt Y/N, do you still have my Princess Belle costume?" The little girl questioned curiously and a beautiful smile appeared on Shawn's lips. Reaching over the center console to intertwine my fingers with his, I raised his hand to press light kisses to his knuckles.

"Yup. Your mom left with us after the last time you spent the day with us." I replied happily and Avery clapped with excitement.

"Yay! Can we all play dress up later? Uncle Shawn says I should be treated like a princess so that should mean I dress like one too!" Avery exclaimed and a smile pulled at the corners of my mouth.

"Of course, Aves. Do you wanna watch the movie too? I know The Beauty and The Beast is your favorite." I said playfully, turning towards the backseat to see Avery nodding furiously while laughing.

"Sounds like a plan to me," Shawn agreed enthusiastically, carefully taking a turn onto another road.

The familiar streets of Toronto passed by the Jeep and it only took me a minute to realize Shawn was driving in the opposite direction of the condo.

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