Send Me A Hug

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a/n: this is for Cycloneelle! thank you for listening to all of my crazy ideas & for being the reason this one came up! hope you love it!

Shawn's POV

The tour bus was quiet as everyone in the crew did their own thing. Zubin and Mike were snacking on a bag of chips while watching a movie on a laptop. Andrew was sending email after email while Geoff and Brian were both scrolling through their phones while lounging on one of the small couches. My long legs were folded beneath me as I sat at the small booth that was in the kitchenette area and quickly responded to another text from my girlfriend.

It had been a busy night after the show yesterday, quickly packing everything up and getting on the road to get to the next tour stop so everyone was recouping on the day off even if it was on the bus. I had slept in a little this morning but when my arms reached out just to find the other side of the large bed empty because Y/N was at home, a wave of sadness washed over me.

Over our three year relationship, we had learned how to deal with the long distance. Whether it was surprise flights back home or Y/N flew out to whatever city I was in or she joined me for a leg, other times the whole tour. FaceTime calls and loving text messages were constant and Y/N sent me the sweetest little care packages every week that she wasn't with me. They were always filled with thoughtful gifts mixed with some of my favorite things.

My collection grew the longer the tour was. So far, she had sent me a homemade blanket which she had begged her mom to teach her how to sew just so she could make it for me, a bunch of different friendship bracelets that she had the identical matching ones, a new journal that had hidden notes within the pages and a teddy bear she made with Aaliysh at Build-A-Bear that was given extra hugs from the two of them before it was sent to me.

The boxes always arrived unexpectedly but as soon as I saw the address of our condo written in her handwriting, I knew my day was about to get a hundred times better. She started sending the care packages after my first world tour when I made sure she still got her weekly bouquet of sunflowers even if I wasn't home and since then, we had created a tradition that helped us cope with the distance.

"Hey bro!" Brian's voice suddenly cut through my thoughts as I looked up from my phone, my fingers poised over the keyboard, ready to type a message back to Y/N.

"What's up?" I asked, meeting my best friend's gaze from across the bus and that's when I noticed the small pile of mail that was being passed to everyone. Geoff had a handful of letters in his hand and Zubin was reading a homemade card from his sons. Quickly, I went to text Y/N back before joining everyone else.

Me: hey babygirl, I've gotta go for a little. the mail just got here and everyone's excited. text you in a few, I love you so much x

Me: send me a hug, I miss you more than anything

Just as I stood from my seat to go sit next to Brian, my phone dinged with a new incoming message. Y/N's name flashed across the screen and eagerly, I slid over to read what she wrote back.

babygirl: I love you so much more baby. go have fun & your hug is on its way, it's full of lots of love all the way from Toronto xx

A happy smile stretched across my lips as I read over her words and my heart fluttered. Y/N wasn't even here but she still had the same affect on me. Pushing my phone back into my jeans pocket, I sat down next to Brian who immediately pushed the biggest box towards my feet. Leaning down to pick it up, the familiar curves of Y/N's handwriting stared back at me and I couldn't help the giddy feeling coursing through my veins.

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