She's My Girl

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a/n: this is for @shawn_fanfic_mendes! thank you for the request and I hope you love it!

The tiny Starbucks on campus was crowded as everyone crammed in studying for the nearing dreadful week of finals. Books and papers were strewn across tables as various coffee cups were settled between laptops. Conversation was constantly happening while the baristas called out customer's names and I focused my eyes on the notebook sitting in front of me.

My study group for my history class decided to get together today and review which seemed like a good idea yesterday but when I woke up this morning with a miserable cold, I knew it was going to be a long day. I was friends with two of the girls in my group but the other one never seemed to like me for some mysterious reason. But when I sat down with my caramel macchiato today, I pushed everything out of my mind except for studying.

We had everything organized down to which sections we were reviewing and how to structure our answers to essay questions. It was the perfect study session except for the fact that my nose was stuffy and a pounding headache was slowly forming as I read over my neatly written notes. Since I was little, I hated going to school sick and I usually got out of it thanks to my mom but in college, there really was no choice. Shawn had woken me up this morning, his eyes worried but caring as he gave me some medicine and helped me get ready for the day.

It was those kinds of little things that made me fall more in love with him everyday.

"So if we start going over the British Empire now, we should have enough time to rewrite essays for those questions." Jessie, the sweet blonde girl who was sitting on my left, said. She smiled warmly as she pointed to a highlighted line in her notebook before all of us nodded simultaneously.

"Sounds good." I responded happily, flipping to the correct page in my notebook and my phone vibrated with a new text message. My boyfriend's name quickly flashed across the top of the screen with a small preview of his text. Unlocking my phone, I opened my messages app and clicked on Shawn's name, completely forgetting about studying for a second.

Shawn: hey babygirl, just checking in to see how you're feeling. hope studying is going well! also, get ready because as soon as you get home later, you're getting an endless amount of cuddles

Shawn: just text me if you need anything. I love you xx

A soft smile spread across my lips as I read Shawn's words and I'm sure the girls at the table noticed. I didn't care though. The feelings I had for this adorable, curly headed boy were undeniable and I loved him more than anything in the world.

My fingers hovered over the keyboard for a moment as my heart swelled at Shawn's sweet words. Finally finding the correct words, I typed out a message back to him.

Me: hi love, I'm not feeling too great but I'm making it through. those cuddles do sound tempting though, thank you for checking in. I love you x

Before I could even close out of the app, the three little typing bubbles appeared in the corner of the screen, signaling Shawn was already answering back.

Shawn: aw baby :( is there anything I can do to help you right now?

My heart seemed to melt as I read Shawn's message over. Whenever he wasn't by my side, he was always looking out for me in every way possible. Never before did I ever have someone care so much about me and Shawn found small ways to constantly remind me of his love.

Sniffling a little and acknowledging the pain in my head from my cold, I snuggled into the hoodie of Shawn's I was wearing and made a split second decision.

Me: actually yeah. would you be able to pick me up? I'm at the Starbucks on campus & this stupid cold is making me feel like crap

Me: just wanna cuddle with you & drink some tea

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