A Whole Lot Of Books & Love

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a/n: this is for @Cycloneelle! thank you for the request & I hope you love it!

It was the perfect plan; surprising you after dinner with his family. Almost everything was moved into your new place. The condo had an absolutely breathtaking view of the Toronto skyline that you fell in love with immediately. There was no doubt in your mind that this was the first home you had with Shawn. So the offer was made, papers were signed and the process of bringing only what we needed from your separate apartments to the new one began.

Shawn had insisted that Brian's help was enough for him to move a few things but in reality, he was trying his hardest to get you to stay at your apartment until dinner later on. His surprise was practically complete but it didn't want anything messing it up.

The first time Shawn came over to your apartment and inevitably stayed the night, he noticed your beloved bookshelf that was packed tightly with all the paperbacks and hardcovers that you had acquired over the years. He wasn't surprised to find out you read almost all the time. The reason he had met you was because of your love for books. You were sitting at his usual table at the cafe with your nose stuck in a new novel and he couldn't help but ask the curious question about what you were reading.

And even though Shawn almost never read, he loved listening to you talk passionately about the characters and plotline of that specific novel. The excited sparkle in your eyes made him want to run out and read as many books as he could just to keep talking to you. He instantly fell for your smile, the way you giggled while blushing when he complimented you and how happy you were when he rambled on about his love for Harry Potter.

It was love at first sight.

So seeing that bookself in your room with a countless amount of books squeezed onto the shelves, he just smiled to himself. The complete box set of the Harry Potter series sat on the top shelf with the rest of your favorites, your prized possessions and Shawn felt his heart flutter with happiness. Over the two year relationship where Shawn had gifted you many new books and the frequent runs to your favorite used book store, the piece of furniture simply couldn't hold annything more.

That's when Shawn decided to build you a new one. A bookshelf he made by himself for your first home together. It was a big project but his heart was set on it. He knew that it would mean the world to you, probably bring a few tears. So every Saturday for a few weeks, he would tell you he was hanging out with Brian but really, he was at the new condo building a new bookshelf for the girl he loved more than anything, his bookworm.

Now, standing in the living room with a heavy box of your favorite books in his arms, Shawn felt a wave of joy and pride course through his body. Moving in with the love of his life was already amazing but he couldn't wait to see your reaction when you walked into the room and saw the handcrafted piece of furniture.

"Bro, where do you want these?" Brian asked quickly, struggling with another box of your books that was equally just as heavy as Shawn's.

"Just to the side there." Shawn instructed, thrusting his elbow in the general direction he was talking about as he carefully placed his box on the coffee table. "Thanks for your help man. It means a lot." he said appreciatively to his best friend who just smiled and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Anytime. You're moving in with your girl and this is honestly the sweetest thing I think I've ever seen you do, so I'm always happy to help!" Brian exclaimed cheerfully, a wide smile stretching across his lips. "Better get those books on the shelves though. You only have a few hours before dinner with your family and there's like a million books here." He chuckled heartily, glancing at the boxes on the floor that were neatly packed.

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