It's Always Been You

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a/n: this is for @canadianstyle ! thank you for the request & I hope you love it!

Your POV

"You're really going to throw everything away just like that? Like the last four and a half years together didn't even matter?" I yelled, feeling the hot tears sting my eyes as the storm of anger, fear and sadness brewed in my chest. Shawn stood only a few feet away from me but it seemed like he was miles away. "Management says one thing and no matter what we have, what we've built up over the years and what we want for the future, you're just going to end it?" my question was full of fury but the tears rolled down my cheeks uncontrollably, my breath hitching at the anxiety clutching around my heart.

"Y/N, you know it's not like that! You're all I want, everything I've ever dreamed of. But they- they basically control my entire life. It's complicated," Shawn replied, his voice weak as he quickly ran his hands through his brown curls, his nervous habit.

Tell him there's a baby. His baby and you need him. You need him more than ever before.

Shaking my head, I tried pushing the thoughts out of my mind. I couldn't tell Shawn about the pregnancy now. The moment was supposed to be happy as we realized our dreams were finally coming true but instead, I brushed my hand over my tiny baby bump as a sense of comfort, taking a deep breath. Everything was becoming too overwhelming and I still couldn't wrap my mind around the reality of what was unfolding. "Shawn, I love you. I love you more than anything or anyone else on this entire planet. You're my other half, the love of my life, my soulmate. And the fact that you're not even willing to put up a fight for us hurts so much. I-I guess I wasn't good enough yet again. Second to your career." I stuttered through the sobs raking through my body.

Shawn's beautiful hazel eyes met mine but they were empty of all happiness, instead clouded with sadness and fear, knowing that he was causing my pain. He stood there, completely silent as he finally realized that this was it. He was leaving me, losing the love of his life and he wasn't doing anything to change that.

"I love you too Y/N, more than you'll ever know. You mean the world to me and I wouldn't trade a single moment of the last four and a half years for anything. I'm so so sorry. I love you," Shawn choked out as he broke down into hysterical tears. My heart clenched at the sight. I hated seeing Shawn upset and through everything, I was always the one who comforted him but now, my whole body ached for the man who just broke my heart. Trying to fill my lungs with air again, I quickly wiped my tears away before crossing the room slowly and pulling Shawn against my body in a warm hug. The very last one. Relaxing in his strong hold, we cried together for what seemed like hours before I pulled away, desperate for him to say something, anything to save us.

Taking one last long look at the man I loved so much, I kissed Shawn gently but poured every ounce of love in my heart into the kiss. It killed me for us to end like this, at the hands of a decision made by his management that he wouldn't argue against, and he had not clue about his three month old baby growing peacefully in my stomach.

Grabbing my hastily packed suitcase, I left one last lingering kiss on Shawn's wet, rosy cheek before trying to swallow the rising wave of anxiety and sorrow surging through my veins. My heart broke into a million pieces as Shawn whimpered just a little bit when my hand rested on the doorknob, just inches away from walking out of his life at his request.

And in a moment, we were on opposite sides of the door. Our lives separated but our cries echoing the pain radiating from our hearts at the loss of the only love that made us feel completely alive and safe.

Two Years Later

Shawn's POV

The golden sunlight illuminated the New York City skyline perfectly and the moment I stepped outside, I couldn't help but smile to myself at how beautiful of a day it was. I was in New York for a week and a half for a long promo tour filled with various interviews and appearances for my new album. Today though, I had a day off and luckily the city was bustling happily in the warm spring weather.

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