Kiss Me Under The Stars

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It was a chilly September night but the sky was clear, letting the beautifully tiny pricks of light peek though. The stars were almost completely unnoticeable in Toronto because of the bright lights but on night like tonight, you can just see them enough to get lost in them.

Snuggled under a warm blanket with my phone and favorite book next to me on the outdoor love seat, my eyes were glued to the sky above me. I traced the hundreds of constellations that I had memorized as a child simply because the stars fascinated me.

The noises of the city floated up towards the balcony and even though most people would've been annoyed to sit outside in the cold air to look at the stars, I had never felt more at home.

Since I was young, something about the little orbs of brightness that poked through the darkness gave me a sense of comfort. They reminded me that no matter what was going on, I would be okay. They were the connection to the people I loved because it didn't matter how far apart we were, we always laid under the same stars.

After I told Shawn that, the words quickly became lyrics in the song he wrote just for me.

Shawn quickly fell in love with the sky when we laid out in the yard of his parents house one night during our first summer together. The stars were brighter out there and as I cuddled close to him while holding his hand, I excitedly pointed out constellations that were glittering above us. Just like that, he was hooked and since then, always watched the night sky with me.

Tonight, I snuck out onto the balcony when he was in the shower in hopes of stealing a few moments to myself with the amazing bursts of light. Shawn and I had lived together for close to two years now as we had been dating for just over three. But sometimes, no matter how much I loved Toronto and accepted it as home, a wave of homesickness would wash over me. And somehow, the stars always helped me remember everything I love about this city.

A fresh breeze of cold, fall air passed by the balcony and I shivered a bit, pulling the fuzzy blanket tighter around me. Letting my eyes fall to the tall buildings that surrounded the condo on almost all sides, I smiled to myself. I had always wanted to live in a city and here I was, doing it with the love of my life.

"Sweetheart?" Shawn's gentle voice snapped me out of my thoughts but a happy smile slowly spread across my lips. He was standing in the doorway dressed in a pair of gray sweatpants and a forest green hoodie that read CrossFit across the chest. His brown curls fell messily but adorably over his forehead as his eyes twinkled with love. His cheeks were rosy with blush like always and I noticed the large blue blanket that I loved so much tucked under his arm.

"Hi baby. You look extra cozy tonight," I smiled in response and Shawn carefully slid the glass door closed behind him before crossing the balcony towards me. Shuffling over a little bit, Shawn sat down next to me and flashed his breathtaking smile before pressing a loving kiss to my temple.

"Mm, thank you love." Shawn chuckled with a bashful smile before I moved closer to him and kissed his lips softly but conveyed all the love in my body without speaking. My heart fluttered at the familiar feeling and warmth spread through my body. Pulling away with a smile, I met his gorgeous hazel eyes and ran my fingers through his hair before settling against his side. Shawn spread the big blanket over us and wrapped his muscular arms around me.

Along with immediately feeling the warmth from his body, the sense of home enveloped me.

"You're stargazing again love?" Shawn wondered, peering up at the sky above us. His eyes flickered over every little star and I couldn't help but smile at the sight of him.

"Mhm. It's pretty clear tonight so it's perfect," My voice was almost a whisper as I watched Shawn's pink lips pull up into a fond smile.

"We'll have to go back to my parents' house one day just so we can lay in the yard and connect all the constellations like that very first time. You can see the stars so much better by them," Shawn stated sweetly, his eyes meeting my gaze which instantly made me blush.

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