My Rockstar

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It was the monthly "Guys Night In" as Shawn and his friends called it and Shawn had so graciously offered to host this time around. Every month, all the guys got together at someone's apartment and just had a good time. After Shawn discovered that my friends and I usually go out to catch up, he immediately pitched the idea to the groupchat about having a Guys Night In. Quickly, it became a tradition and they haven't missed one since Shawn and I started dating three years ago.

Even though all the guys and I are friends, whenever it was Shawn's turn to host I usually chose to stay upstairs in our room and watch a bunch of movies. I knew how much it meant to Shawn to spend time with his friends and I never complained about having the whole bed to myself with some snacks and my favorite movies.

Tonight, the bright city lights were flickering on as Toronto's nightlife came alive for the Saturday night. Shawn's condo had these beautiful floor-to-ceiling windows that allowed for a breathtaking view of the skyline every morning when my eyes fluttered open with my head on Shawn's chest. I never got tired of it and it's something I love about living with Shawn.

"Sweetheart? Where are you? Oh, hey love." Shawn's soft voice filled the room as he stood in the doorway and a smile blossomed on my lips even though I was facing the window. His strong arms wrapped around my body from behind and he gently rested his head on my shoulder, his messy curls tickling my cheek. "Checking out the view again eh?" he asked with a light chuckle as we both admired the skyline just outside the window. I nodded slowly while placing my hands over his.

"Yeah, but today I'm looking at one place in particular. That bubble over there known as the Rogers Centre. I still can't believe you'll be playing there in a few months. It's unbelievable and my heart is literally bursting because of how proud I am of you," I admitted bashfully after quickly pointing at the huge stadium that was only a few blocks away from the condo.

"Wouldn't have been able to do it without you babygirl," Shawn whispered before kissing my cheek warmly. The moment was pure bliss and I realized standing there with Shawn that I never wanted it to end. I felt completely safe and at home in his arms and nothing but love could be felt between us. "Just wanted to check on you before the guys got here. Brian and Geoff are on their way over but you're positive you're okay with not joining us?" Shawn asked, a hint of concern evident in his voice.

"Of course Shawn," I answered, turning in his arms to face him. "You spend enough time with me, go have fun with your friends." My fingers played with his long, brown curls and a boyish smile tugged at the corners of Shawn's lips as his mesmerizing hazel eyes danced in the late sunset glow.

"Mmm, I could never get enough of you darling." Shawn whispered before peppering hundreds of tiny kisses all over my face. Giggling at the tingly feeling, my heart swelled as I leaned into Shawn before he closed the small space between us with a deep, loving kiss. "I love you so much, more than anything else in the world."

"I love you too Shawn. You're my whole world and somehow I got lucky enough to love you every single day. Now, go have fun! Don't worry about me, I'll be okay. I promise," I reassured Shawn, gently cupping his rosy cheeks in my hands and kissing him softly. "Just call if you need me for anything." my voice was quiet after we broke the kiss and our eyes met. Shawn nodded slowly against my hands and kissed my palms before pulling me in for a comforting hug as the buzzer noise sounded through the condo. Flashing his breathtaking smile, he left a lingering kiss on my forehead before taking a minute to pull away from the embrace to greet the guys downstairs.

As soon as I heard Brian and Geoff's voices mix with Shawn's, I smiled widely and jumped into bed. Snuggling into the fluffy and warm blankets, I flicked through Netflix until settling on the unmistakable title for Legally Blonde. Starting the movie and turning the volume up a bit to block out the noise from the guys downstairs, I reached for the bag of Twizzlers I had brought up and settled in for a movie night.

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