Hold Me Close

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a/n: this is for @biggestfangirlofshaw! thank you for the request & I hope you love it! also, this is connected to another imagine in this book titled "Medicine".

The biggest crowd Shawn had ever stepped in front of erupted in deafening cheers as he took careful steps up to the stage, thousands of eyes glued to him and the energy level was through the roof. A beautiful sunset painted the sky in gorgeous colors, illuminating the stage in a golden glow which made the atmosphere even more electric.

The well known intro to "There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back" began playing and the crowd immediately started yelling the lyrics back to Shawn as he sang the words that had been committed to memory forever. From the side of the stage where I was standing with Andrew, I could already tell how much fun Shawn was having along with the large audience. Even though there was close to 80,000 people out there right now, his nerves didn't seem to have bothered him today. He had given me a hundred kisses before stepping on stage like usual and when he hugged me tightly, nothing but excitement was radiating off of him.

The summer festival tour bad been amazing to say the least. Shawn was playing huge shows in all different places around the world and when he had gotten the news about it, he insisted that I come along with him. He always liked tour better with me on the road and never let me forget it. So as my boyfriend rocked the huge stage, I couldn't help the happy smile that appeared on my lips as I danced along with the music and watched on proudly.

"How are we doing tonight Quebec?" Shawn asked excitedly, a wide smile spread plastered on his face as he swung the guitar over his shoulder to exchange it for the stunning blue one I loved so much. A frenzy of screams responded to his question and he chuckled lightly, running a hand through his messy curls. "This is one of my favorites. It's called 'Nervous'!" He continued, strumming a chord on the guitar before singing the smooth notes.

My heart fluttered as Shawn danced around the stage with the brightest smile on his pink lips. No matter how many times I watched Shawn perform, it simply never got old. He created such a fun atmosphere while just doing what he loved. Nothing but pure happiness radiated off of him when he controlled the stage and I couldn't help but adore my boyfriend having the time of his life.

The crowd jumped along to the beat while screaming back the well written lyrics that Shawn's fans knew so well. Unlike his shows in arenas or on TV shows, the festivals were on a whole new level. The audience was almost triple the usual size and it completely amazed me how far Shawn had come from just a few years ago when he would sing every new song to me before he decided if it made it onto his first album.

Pure joy coursed through my veins as Shawn stepped back from the microphone to play the guitar while dancing, his brown curls falling over his forehead as he moved around the stage. Because he was a headliner for the festival, he picked a mix of his hit singles and favorite songs to play which always meant an incredible show.

Throughout his set, Shawn kept glancing to his left where I was standing on the side of the stage. His hazel eyes would meet mine for a moment before a bashful smile appeared on his lips and his attention was pulled back to the crowd. Despite the fact that he didn't seem the slightest bit nervous before walking on stage earlier, his constant glances sent a small stab of worry through my heart.

Over the three years we've been dating, Shawn has opened up about his anxiety, letting me in on a secret that sometimes took over his emotions. Holding him tightly through panic attacks, wiping away his tears and just being there for him didn't only mean the world to him but he never let a day go by without thanking me for everything I did. My heart broke a little bit each time his beautiful hazel eyes welled up with tears and the uncontrollable sobs raked through his body but I loved him too much to let him keep it silent.

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