Falling For Her

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a/n: this is for @sohani1! thank you for the request & I hope you love it!

Shawn's POV

"Mum. You didn't. Did you really?" I tried to keep my voice serious but slight disbelief covered my words as I processed everything. With a happy smile, Mum took a sip of her tea and took a seat at the kitchen table.

"I did Shawn. Come on, it isn't even that big of a deal. She's new around here and now that you're home from tour for a little bit, I figured you'd like to meet some new people. She's the sweetest girl and I know you'll like her." Mum explained, raising her eyebrows in a I-always-know-best way. Sighing, I shook my head before nervously running my hand through my curls.

She really set me up on a date with one of her co-worker's daughters. Between touring, all the interviews and constant photoshoots, it was difficult to balance a relationship but that certainly didn't mean I wasn't looking for one. As cheesy as it sounds, I was waiting for the right girl. But Mum's eyes had a small glint of worry buried in underneath her excitement and even though my nerves were skyrocketing, I silently agreed to go on a date with this girl.

"What's her name?" The question fell off my lips curiously and Mum's face lit up brightly at my words.

"Y/N. She's from New York City and her job just got transferred here so she moved in with her mum for a little until she finds place of her own. But I'm serious Shawn, she sounds absolutely perfect for you." Mum gushed sweetly, obviously excited about the possibility. "Just one date Shawn, that's it."

"Alright, alright. When did you set all of this up for?" I asked, racking my brain for a perfect first date with the mystery girl from New York named Y/N.

"Tonight at 6. I said you'd pick her up." Mum said calmly, almost as if this was simply the easiest thing in the entire world. My heart began racing as I realized how close 6 o'clock was; only about three hours away.

"And you didn't plan out the date right? That's all up to me?" I double checked and she just smiled widely before nodding and sipping her tea again. Mum was always good at reading my facial expressions and she must've picked up on the slight panic that washed over my face.

"That's all you bub. Don't be nervous. If you like her, then you like her! It's just one date and if it works out, I'll save my 'I told you so's'. I'll text you her address and I promise you'll have a good time. I know there's someone out there for you and it could be her, you have no idea." Mum said gently, meeting my gaze and saying a thousand reassuring words with just one look.

"Thanks Mum, I love you." I said sweetly, rising from my chair and going around the table to kiss her cheek. She offered me an encouraging smile as I tried to clear my mind of the thousands of buzzing thoughts.

It was only one date. Nothing was gauranteed. She could be the one but she also couldn't be. Just one date and I was going to make it the best date ever no matter what.

A Few Hours Later

The Jeep came to a slow stop in front of a cozy house in the first suburb right outside of Toronto. Quickly double checking the address Mum sent me, I parked the Jeep and let out a loud sigh. I was really doing this.

Slowly turning the key and pulling it from the ignition, I pushed away every ounce of anxiousness and focused on how even though this was just my mum trying to get me a girl, this was going to be fun.

The walk from the driveway to the front door was short and in just a few seconds, I was knocking lightly on the door. Smoothing out my button up shirt before running a hand through my curls, the door opened to reveal the absolutely most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

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