Love Drunk

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a/n: this is for @AnvitaSingh8! thank you for the idea & I hope you love it! 

"Shawn!! You can't do that! A red turtle shell, really?" Y/N exclaimed, taking one hand off her Wii remote to angrily point at the large television in his living room. "I was winning. That was really low," she pouts with a light giggle before focusing back on the race determined to get ahead of him again. They were playing another round of Mario Kart filled with endless amounts of giggles, light kisses and some major competition.

Clutching onto the Wii remotes, the two of them sat close together on the couch, knees touching as they moved their remotes like a steering wheel to move the car in the correct direction. They had practically played every single course on the game but Shawn wasn't even close to being done playing yet. He loved doing small things like this with her. It was so ordinary but with Y/N everything became a million times better and he savored the simple moments more than anything.

Even though they had only been dating for about eight months, Shawn already knew he loved her. The words had been caught in his throat for months now but he never said them, too scared of her reaction or if the moment was right. But he loved every single thing about this girl. The way her bright smile made him happier than anything else in the world, how he felt at home whenever she was in his arms, the way she blushed before kissing him. He adored how she didn't care what others thought about her and would dance with him in the streets or in the park just to prove it.

His heart swelled with love every time their eyes met, each time she stole one of his hoodies, and when he woke up next to her in the morning. When Y/N met his family, his dad instantly knew she was different than other girls while his mom and little sister quickly became best friends with her. The last few months of Shawn's life had been absolutely incredible due solely to Y/N. He had never met anyone else like her before and he had a feeling the moment they first met, she was going to change his life forever.

He was right.

"Ha!" Shawn cheered as his character crossed the finish line just milliseconds before Y/N's. She groaned frustratingly while the stats rolled up on the screen showing Shawn's collection of points, putting him ahead of her now.

"Totally not fair. If you didn't throw that stupid red turtle shell, I would've won!" She playfully rolled her eyes, trying to keep a serious tone in her voice but breaking into a fit of adorable giggles. Shawn's heart was sent into a frenzy as the sweet sound filled the room and an uncontrollable smile blossomed on his lips as he pulled her closer to him. Peppering her face with thousands of soft kisses, Y/N felt nothing but happiness and love course through her veins. "Shawn!" she laughed trying to escape the bombardment of kisses before Shawn caught her lips in a deep kiss.

Pure magic enveloped them as Shawn held her close to his body and poured every ounce of adoration in his body into the kiss. Y/N smiled against his lips, her hands playing with his messy curls and the whole world seemed to stop when they kissed. Nothing but love could be felt between them as both their hearts soared happily. No matter how many times Shawn kissed her, it always felt the first time. Absolutely perfect.

"Sweetheart, if you can win the next four races, I'll give you a million more of those kisses." Shawn mumbled teasingly against her lips with a smirk. Y/N's cheeks became rosy with a deep blush as a breathtaking smile appeared on her face.

"Deal. You're on Mendes," she chuckled, pecking his pink lips one more time before pulling away to reach for her now empty wine glass. "Want a refill before we get started? You're gonna need it when I beat you four times in a row." Y/N asked, raising her eyebrows with a light laugh and Shawn couldn't help but admire her for a minute. He simply nodded to answer her question but memorized everything about this moment because he found it so mesmerizing.

Shawn Mendes Imagines !!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon