Safe Flight

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Shawn's POV

The screen of my phone lit up with a text message, revealing the picture of me and my girlfriend, Y/N that I had set as my background. Typing my password in to answer the text message, I noticed Y/N's name flash across the screen again. Shuffling along slowly in the line to board the plane back home to Toronto, I took the precious time to read the messages.

babygirl: have a safe flight love! can't wait to see you in a few hours. you're gonna get the biggest hug ever xx

babygirl: take pictures of the view for me! i love those

babygirl: i'll accept window pictures or selfies because both are amazing views ;)

My fingers flew over the keyboard as I typed back to her while laughing. I had been on tour for the last four months and I finally had a two month break to spend at home. Running my hand through my messy curls, I looked up from my phone to notice how close I was to boarding. Quickly, I locked my phone before entering the plane and picking the perfect seat by the window in the middle. Resting my head back on the headrest, I pulled my phone out again to send the text to Y/N.

Shawn: can't wait to see you either baby!! i'll make sure to send you pictures of the view like always. miss you like crazy xx

Shawn: wish you were here so I could sleep on your shoulder and hold your hand when we take off

The captain's voice filled the cabin as he reviewed the safety precautions and the estimated arrival time. I switched my phone into airplane mode ((a/n: if you get this reference, you're amazing)) before starting the playlist Y/N made specifically for my flights and settled in for a flight with the only thought on my mind was kissing my girl again. About three hours into the flight, I noticed the gorgeous sunset that was painted above the clouds. Quickly grabbing my phone and snapping a picture for Y/N, I admired how beautiful it looked. The sky truly looked like a painting and flying above the clouds never got old. Before I sent the picture to Y/N, I opened Snapchat to take a selfie so I could send that as well. Holding the phone down low, I placed my right hand behind my head and caught the picture. Adding a large red heart emoji, I saved it to my camera roll.

Shawn: here are the views my love :) hope you enjoy them! i love you x

Shawn: here are the views my love :) hope you enjoy them! i love you x

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Smiling to myself, I locked my phone, ran my hand through my messy curls and drifted off to sleep excited about going home

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Smiling to myself, I locked my phone, ran my hand through my messy curls and drifted off to sleep excited about going home.

Your POV
A light ping went off as an incoming text message arrived on my phone. The airport was insanely crowded for a weeknight but I snuggled into my slightly cushioned seat and opened the new text message. It was from Shawn and attached were two pictures, one of the beautiful sunset outside the plane window and the other a selfie of the tired, curly haired boy that has my heart.

A smile grew across my lips as I admired both pictures for a few minutes. It seemed like so much longer than four months apart but every fiber of my being was aching to be reunited with Shawn. The condo is already lonely when he's gone but this time a certain silence hung in the air. Glancing at the time, I noticed his plane should be landing in just under an hour. Sighing, I pulled out my book again and started to read to pass the time. Just as I was getting sucked into the storyline, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up, closing the book as I found three girls, a few years younger than myself, standing in front of me.

"Uh, hi Y/N. I hope we aren't bothering you but we were wondering if we could a picture with you?" One of the girls politely asked with a smile. Even after three years with Shawn, I still wasn't used to the attention that the fans gave me.

"Of course!" I exclaimed, rising from my chair. Each of the girls took a selfie with me and then we all posed together as someone took our picture.

"Thank you so much," I giggled before giving each of them a hug. "You're all so sweet,"

"Thank you for taking care of Shawn and loving him unconditionally. He means so much to us and I'm really glad he found the perfect girl for him," one of the girls spoke and I touched my hand to my chest.

"That's the sweetest thing any of his fans has ever said to me. Thank you, aw." I hugged them all again before saying goodbye as they headed towards the exit.

"Flight 473, Los Angeles to Toronto arriving now at Gate 14." That was Shawn's flight. Throwing my crossbody purse across my body, I started walking towards the gate with the bouquet of flowers I got him.

A small crowd of family members, significant others, and friends were gathered at the gate waiting to meet someone that was on the flight. Standing back a bit from the group, I watched as people started exiting the plane and emerging through the gate, running into hugs and kisses. My nerves started to kick in again and I started to fumble with the bracelet Shawn had given me on my wrist. Seeing him get off the plane always came with the same jitters, they never went away.

Soon, the group by the gate had mostly dispersed but still no sight of Shawn. I tightly gripped onto the bouquet thinking of how excited I was about seeing my boyfriend again. I looked down at the floor for a split second and when my eyes were set on the gate again, the tall, familiar curly headed boy was walking into the airport.

"Shawn!!" I yelled, running up to him. Taking a leap, I wrapped my legs around his torso and his hands wrapped under my thighs to keep me from falling. I squeezed him as tight as I could, resting my head in the crook of his neck and a laugh escaped his lips. "I promised you the biggest hug ever,"

Gently tapping my legs, he slowly placed me on the ground and then cupped my face, pulling me in for a long, loving kiss. "Hi babygirl! I missed you so much. What are these?" Shawn asked after pulling away from the kiss, leaving my lips tingly and noticing the flowers.

"They're for you!" I held them out to him and took in every detail of him. He was wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a loose gray sweatshirt that he rolled up on one arm while he raised his eyebrows at me. His adorable messy curls fell onto his forehead and a sweet smile was placed on his lips as his eyes travelled up and down my body. A pair of white  sneakers were on his feet instead of the usual black boots and his backpack rested on his shoulders. He looked absolutely perfect. Just the sight of him took my breath away. ((picture above the title))

"For me? Baby, you didn't have to," he smiled as he reached out to take the bouquet from me. "Can I get another kiss?" Shawn mumbled as he leaned in closer to me.

"You never have to ask Mendes," I laughed before he connected our lips again. His hands rested firmly on my hips before one traveled up to hold my face and my hands played with the curls at the nape of the neck as I leaned further into the kiss.

"God, I missed you so freakin much baby. I love you more than you'll ever know," Shawn spoke against my lips, holding me close to his body.

"I love you too. Let's go home love. We have a lot of cuddling to catch up on," I said ruffling his hair while a chuckle as a soft smile appeared on his pink lips.

thought this idea was cute !!! could you imagine running into Shawn's arms when he got off the plane after not seeing him for so long?? ugh my heart. anyway, more holiday imagines are on the way among others! thank youu xx

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