Nights With You

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For the most part, Boston was a quiet city. The streets were packed with brick and colorful apartment buildings squished in on the cobblestone sidewalks, making it feel homier than New York could ever be. In the mornings, when the sun rose above the buildings, the early risers took their dogs for the regular walk and chatted with people on the street like usual before heading off to work. Everyone was so kind and welcoming, just making the city that much more amazing to live in.

I had gotten used to the empty apartment next to me. The building hadn't been occupied for months since the last couple that lived there ended up breaking up and both of them hastily moved out. Since then, a few people have been by to check the place out but apparently no one was interested enough to make an offer and move in.

Until today.

The cool evening breeze was already settling in as the golden light of the setting sun illuminated the city beautifully. Careful not to spill my mug of tea as I stepped outside, I closed the door behind me before walking to my mailbox positioned at the fence towards the end of the sidewalk. The conjoined box for the apartment next to me was still empty, as usual, but as I was balancing my hot tea in one hand and reaching in to grab the few envelopes addressed to me, I spotted a tall, curly headed boy sitting on the steps of the vacant apartment.

At first, confusion flooded my mind but when he lifted his eyes from his phone and met mine, my cheeks instantly heated up with blush and I quickly looked away.

I had been looking forward to getting a new neighbor forever and of course, I got a cute boy.

Clutching onto my mug in one hand and my mail in the other, I hurried back to my own steps before sitting down and rifling through the envelopes and catalogs. It was part of my daily routine; getting the mail, looking through it and then reading until the sunlight became too dim and the streetlights flickered on.

But as I placed the mail to my side and picked up my novel, I couldn't stop thinking about the messy head of curls on the boy sitting on the stairs next to me. Flipping open my book in an effort to try and read, my eyes glanced over every so often to catch a glimpse of him.

He was wearing black skinny jeans with a pair of Chelsea boots and a white tshirt with the simple word "heaven" printed across the chest, which hugged his toned body perfectly. Like me, he had a mug at his side and whatever he was reading on his phone must've been interesting because his eyes scanned the screen over and over again.

Just as my gaze settled on my book again, the words processing in my brain, a voice cut through the familiar city noises.

"What are you reading?" He asked softly while looking over at me, his voice smooth and deep but absolutely beautiful. It felt like my heart stopped for a moment and all the breath in my lungs had been stolen away. Unable to find words, the air was quiet until he spoke again. "Hey, pretty girl on the steps? What book is that?" He chuckled and my heart swelled at the adorable sound.

"Um, The Alchemist." I barely stuttered our before holding the book up to show him the front cover. A breathtaking smile appeared on his pink lips as he quickly ran a hand through his curls. "Why?" The curious question escaped my mouth before I could think about what I was doing. His mesmerizing hazel eyes locked on me and my heart began racing a million miles a minute.

"Just needed a reason to talk to you." The boy admitted sheepishly, shrugging before lifting a mug, with the NASA logo printed on the side, to his lips. "That's one of my favorites though, good choice." He continued, raising his eyebrows playfully and I couldn't help the rush of happiness in my veins.

Completely ignoring his comment about the book, I gazed over and asked the question that had been on my mind since getting the mail.

"Are you my new neighbor?" I blurted out but my voice soft as genuine curiosity seeped into my words. Something about him was different and I couldn't exactly place what it was. The warm feeling in my heart and the huge cluster of butterflies in my stomach weren't helping either.

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