Grammy Nomination Nerves

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CBS studios was as busy as the crowded streets of New York City were outside the windows. Interns hurried along juggling full coffee cups with scripts tucked under their arms, camera operators carefully adjusting settings while getting into position and a constant stream of conversation filled every corner of the studio. Shawn's entire team was packed into one of the tiny room backstage. A few tables lined the walls accompanied by chairs and a flat screen TV was mounted in one corner displaying what was live on the channel. Earlier this week, Shawn got a call from Andrew saying CBS had a open spot on their morning show the day Grammy nominations were being announced and because he had just been featured on another show on the channel, it was perfect for him to make the appearance. Now with our fingers intertwined, Shawn rubbed his thumb over the top of my hand in circles as his leg bounced slightly.

"Hey," I whispered, placing my free hand on Shawn's thigh, his movement instantly stopping at my touch and his gorgeous hazel eyes met mine. "What is it?" My voice was hushed but was laced with concern, hoping he would reveal what was on his mind. Shawn shrugged like it was nothing but in the next second, he let out a small sigh.

"I told myself I wouldn't get my hopes up because the chances of actually being nominated are so slim. But now that we're here, it's impossible not to think about it ya know? This has been a dream of mine since I was a kid Y/N and I can't help but hope I get a nomination." Shawn explained, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Baby," I cooed, caressing his cheek softly as I processed his words. "There's nothing I want more for you to receive a nomination. You poured your heart and soul in this album and you deserve to be nominated. So let yourself hope for it! It's one of your biggest dreams Shawn. Don't tell yourself it's impossible because honestly, you never know." Shawn's pink lips pulled up into an adorable smile as I spoke. Leaning in, he pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek.

"Thank you sweetheart. What would I do without you?" Shawn chuckled before wrapping his arm around me, pulling my body closer to his. Resting my head on his shoulder, I suddenly felt a huge wave of tiredness wash over me from waking up so early. I matched Shawn's sweet smile and closed my eyes briefly, letting the constant noise of the room flow around me.

"Shawn! Twenty minutes before you're on," a producer yelled through the door, snapping me out of the short spell of sleep I fell into. Shawn's large hand was rubbing up and down my arm soothingly as he nodded, giving the producer the response they needed. Snuggling in closer to him, trying to cherish the last twenty minutes before I lost him to the show, Shawn spoke again.

"Babygirl, I'm gonna have to get my hair styled." Shawn said quietly, kissing the top of my head. The familiar shutter noise of Josiah's camera went off, capturing the sweet moment. Shaking my head with a light laugh against Shawn's shoulder, I pulled away from him. Meeting his gaze, I ran my hands through his curls playfully before closing the small space between us with a loving kiss.

"Maybe try making your curls not so fun to play with," I giggled, ruffling his brunette curls one last time. "I love you. The nominations are announced when you come back right?" Shawn nodded with a wide smile, his rosy cheeks bright under the light as his messy curls fell over his forehead.

"I love you. I'll see you in a little bit," Shawn said, kissing my forehead before standing, sending me a wink and headed to a dressing room to get his hair done. The crowded room was buzzing with excitement and all different conversations. I closed my eyes briefly, taking in the moment and what could happen in the future. Focusing my attention on the TV, which was currently at commercial, Josiah took a seat next to me with his camera in hands. Shooting him a smile, Josiah immediately starting talking.

"Okay, I was gonna wait until later because I'm sure I'll be getting a lot more shots of you two but this one is too adorable not to show you right now." Josiah explained, his eyes bright with excitement as he clicked through the pictures on the camera before settling on one. Turning the camera towards me, I looked at the screen and saw the picture on display. It was the one he took just moments ago; my head on Shawn's shoulder with my eyes closed with our arms wrapped around each other and Shawn was kissing the top of my head, his eyes also closed.

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