Don't Fight With Me

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a/n: this is for @jo1ena! thank you for the request & I hope you love it!

You wanted nothing to do with him at the moment and Shawn hated when you didn't talk to him. Just the way you pursed your lips without saying a single word and ignored his presence as if he was invisible, pushed him over the edge.

In your mind though, he deserved the silent treatment following the small fight you had earlier in the day.

It had all started this morning at a photo shoot he had for Armani. Shawn asked you to tag along like always, claiming that having you there made the long hours in front of the camera more bearable. So after breakfast, you both got dressed and headed over.

The moment you arrived, Tiff greeted you both with big hugs. After telling you how excited she was to have you on set, she quickly gave Shawn the run down and hurried him off to the dressing room to put on his first outfit. Disappearing with him, you were left with Connor, who even though wasn't the photographer for the shoot today but still wanted to capture behind the scenes photos, had his camera in hand like always.

The conversation flowed easily and in a few minutes, Connor had you laughing over a story he was telling you about Shawn and Brian. The crew had become like a second family to you and you couldn't be anymore thankful for all of them.

"How's school?" Connor asked nonchalantly but genuinely curious about how your classes were going. As a fellow college student, Connor was the only one out of everyone who was apart of Shawn's team who truly understood how difficult it could be to balance an education while traveling the world.

"Eh, it's okay. I'm just really stressed with finals coming up. I can't decide if I like school better when I'm actually home like I am now or on the road." You chuckle and Connor nods in agreement at your words.

In the last few weeks alone, your workload from classes had increased to the point where you almost couldn't keep up. Most nights were spent finishing projects, reading chapters over in assigned books and typing up long essays. The fact that you were losing sleep and constantly busy certainly didn't go unnoticed by Shawn.

He had started editing all your papers before you submitted them and helped you study for tests with stacks of flashcards or right from the textbook. He always made you a cup of tea just the way you like it for when you're taking notes and never forgot to remind you how proud he was of you and how you'd ace these exams with no problem.

Shawn's help made all the early mornings and long hours of sitting in class worth it. Everyday when you got home, he was waiting with open arms to hug you tightly and kiss you a thousand times. His cuddles relieved some of your stress and even though you thanked him for everything, there simply weren't enough words to express your gratitude.

Connor smiled sympathetically, knowing exactly how demanding the college life could be. It amazed you how he had dropped everything to join Shawn on tour to be his videographer but sometimes had to travel home just to stop back at school to take a final.

"You're almost finished though!" Connor exclaimed enthusiastically as a bright smile appeared on his lips. "Only two years left, you're halfway through." Shaking your head with a laugh at his words, the dressing room door opened again and Shawn stepped out dressed in black dress pants and a white button up with his usual boots. Your heart stopped for a moment just at the sight of him. Even after dating for two years, Shawn was still able to steal your breath away with the simplest actions.

"Hi babygirl," Shawn said softly, jogging over to you and Connor. A happy smile tugged at your lips and before you could even respond, he closed the small gap between your bodies and kissed you tenderly. His strong arms wrapped around you as your hands went to his curls while melting into each other for a moment. The air was filled with love and as your lips moved in sync together, the magic of the kiss coursed through your veins. "I love you. I'll see you in a little bit." Shawn mumbled, kissing the tip of your nose as his large hands cupped your cheeks.

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