Q&A Surprise

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Shawn's POV

As soon as I stepped through the curtains and waved warmly at the small crowd of fans gathered in the room for the Q&A, I could tell that today was going to a special one. The room was erupting with happiness and so many wide smiles welcomed me as I carefully sat on one of the boxes set in the front, settling in for one of my favorite parts of tour.

Tonight, we were in Boston for the first of two back to back shows. I fell in love with the city when I first visited years ago, something about it stood out from all the hundreds of cities I visited on tour. It felt just like home even if it was in a different country. An extra surge of nerves raced through my body at the thought of the show tonight and the one tomorrow in one of my very favorite cities.

"Hey guys," I greeted the fans with a bright smile, placing my Gatorade bottle at my side along with my phone. Everyone in the room responded back with a collective 'hi'. Repeating over the rules one more time, my eyes darted across the comfy room trying to take in as much detail as I could. Finally, after the crowd nodded in understanding of the rules, a bunch of hands shot up in the air waiting for me to call on them so they could ask a question. A soft chuckle escaped my lips as I scanned the room, pointing at a girl who was wearing a blue striped shirt. "Hi, let's start with you. What's your question?" I asked curiously, leaning back on my hands a little as she began to speak.

"Hi, I love you." The girl began, almost stumbling over her words but catching herself and a smile spread across my lips as I listened to her.

"I love you too," I replied which immediately made her face light up happily, in disbelief that I had repeated the words.

"Okay, my question is what's your favorite part about touring?" the girl asked, meeting my eyes and I sent her a soft smile.

"Mmm, this is a tough one. I absolutely adore everything about touring and I'm sure you guys know that." I chuckled, running my hand through my messy curls as the crowd laughed with me. "The obvious answer would be seeing you guys every single night. You make all of this possible and when I'm up on the stage and you're all singing the lyrics back to me, there isn't any other feeling in the world like that. I love seeing all your reactions throughout the show and you guys literally mean everything to me so that has to be my favorite part of touring. Thank you," I explained slowly, putting my thoughts together and choosing the right words to describe how incredible it was to do what I got to every night.

Waving gently to the girl, my eyes wandered again across the many hands that were up in the air again. I pointed towards the back at a girl in a red, floral printed dress who smiled confidently and recited her question from memory with a smile.

"If there was one thing you could tell your soulmate right now, what would you say?" the girl asked timidly, suddenly losing her confidence but I met her gaze and offered an encouraging smile.

"What would I tell my soulmate? Woah," I breathed out trying to process the deep question she asked. My cheeks puffed out playfully and the crowd giggled at my reaction. "I think I would tell her that I'm more ready than ever before to meet her and fall in love. And that whatever she's going through right now that seems like the end of the world will be okay. But yeah, just that I love her even though we haven't met yet and I hope that's soon." My cheeks heated with a deep blush as the room erupted in a collective 'aww' at my answer.

"That's so cute," said the voice of a girl who was sitting in the second row caught my ears as my smile grew at how excited everyone was about my response.

"Thank you for your question honey," my words were gentle and the room reacted again with a unison coo as hands touched their chests, covering their hearts. Shaking my head a little with a laugh, I pushed my curls back once again and took in the arms raised high in the air, all waiting for my attention. Choosing a girl sitting in the middle, I focused on her, awaiting her question.

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