Our Story

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Shawn's POV

"Now, let's welcome back to the show, a very good friend of mine, Shawn Mendes!" Jimmy Fallon said excitedly before he began clapping. That was my que. I walked onto the set with a smile on my lips, waving to the small crowd who were seated in the audience. Jimmy met me with a large hug and gestured for me to take a seat.

"Hey man, thanks for having me on the show again." I said, dragging a hand through my messy curls and turning my attention to Jimmy.

"Well thank you for coming back," Jimmy chuckled. "So you just released your third album which is self titled. How does it feel?"

"It's absolutely incredible. This album is so special to me for so many reasons but most importantly because I really opened up on a lot of these songs. I really wrote all these songs from the heart and I think a lot of people will be able to connect with the music," I stated, nodding my head when Jimmy pulled the vinyl cover of my album. The crowd cheered after my response and I smiled back at them before pulling my leg up to rest on my other knee.

"Okay so I have a really big question for you," Jimmy spoke, leaning on his desk and smiling at me.

"I'm ready," I chuckled.

"So we all know about your longtime girlfriend, Y/N," I immediately felt my cheeks turn pink and a large smile played at my lips. "and I'm sure she's watching this at home right now isn't she?" Jimmy asked.

"She is, yeah." I said with a grin.

"A lot of the fans have noticed a new ring that you wear on your left hand so what's the story behind that?" Jimmy asked gesturing to my left hand. I fumbled with my fingers for a moment before turning towards Jimmy and resting my left arm over the back of the chair.

"Oh, my wave ring?" I asked holding my hand up so the camera could get a shot of the simple silver ring that was on my ring finger. Jimmy nodded and waited eagerly to hear the story. I ran my hand through my curls again and a boyish smile grew on my lips.

"A few months ago, Y/N and I went to visit the Jersey shore," the audience chuckled a little. "Yeah, unusual right? Well, she visited a lot when she was younger so she wanted to show me all the amazing things about the coastline and everything she did when she was little. So we road tripped down the shore and we stopped at all her favorite beaches and boardwalks, spending time at each of them. On the last day of our trip, we stopped a beach called Sunset Beach in Cape May. ((if you've ever been here, brownie points to you! it's one of my favorite places ever)) Basically, the beach is at the very point of the state and it looks right over the ocean which makes it's the perfect place to watch the sunset. Y/N was snuggled into my side as we watched the sun set on the horizon and earlier on in the trip, I found these rings," I played with the silver wave ring that had been positioned on my finger since the trip.

"And I had to buy them. They were too perfect to just pass by. So I kept the rings on me that whole day and while the sun was setting, I reached over for her hand and slid the wave ring on her ring finger. And uh, at first she was a little confused obviously. But I had this nice, loving speech planned out and as I explained that they were promise rings, I slid mine on and I don't know Jimmy, everything felt perfect. I mean, it was the most perfect moment. So yeah that's our story behind the promise rings," I wrapped up the story with the biggest smile on my face.

"Wow. That's amazing Shawn! Such a beautiful story," Jimmy said completely amazed.

"Thank you, thank you." I laughed as the audience started to cheer.

"When was the last time you saw Y/N?" Jimmy asked curiously. I started fumbling with my fingers again and my curls fell onto my forehead.

"Uh, about three months ago. I miss her so much, you have no idea. But we FaceTime every night and we usually end up falling asleep and waking up to each other." the crowd let out a huge "awww" and I continued on. "Of course, we text all the time. I'm sure as soon as I get backstage I'll have like a hundred messages from her about the show," I chuckled. "It's hard being away for so long but that makes going home and seeing my girl so much better ya know?" I asked suddenly feeling a wave of emotions wash over me.

Jimmy nodded from his desk, his face displaying a slightly saddened expression. "Well lucky for you, we have a special someone in the audience tonight that ironically has also been away from her boyfriend for about three months and has that matching ring on her finger," Jimmy met my gaze with a warm smile. Confusion washed over my face immediately. Y/N was at our home in Toronto watching the show. There's no way she would be in New York right now.

Jimmy motioned for someone to come down from the audience and then in just a few short moments, the love of my life was standing in front of the crowd with a large smile on her pink lips and her eyes were filled with so much love.

"No way," I stood up from the chair I was sitting in next to Jimmy's desk. Y/N met me on the stage and I scooped her into the biggest and warmest hug.

"Hi Shawn," Y/N giggled as she wrapped her arms around my torso.

"You're really here?" I whispered into her hair. Y/N nodded into my chest before I pulled away and kissed her. The audience erupted in loud cheers and clapping. As we pulled away, I took a deep breath and led Y/N over to the chairs next to Jimmy's desk so we could sit down. I intertwined our fingers as Jimmy continued on with the show.

"And there you have it folks! A real life love story featuring none other than Shawn Mendes and y/f/n y/l/n. We'll see you tomorrow night!!" Jimmy closed the show out before turning his attention to us.

"One more quick question off camera for tonight." Jimmy spoke smiling at both Y/N and I. I nodded my head not able to wipe off the grin on my lips, awaiting his question. "Have you written a song called 'Our Story' about that trip and the story yet?"

Y/N slightly squeezed my hand and I looked into her mesmerizing eyes. "Actually Jimmy, I have. And it's hands down my favorite song I've ever written,"

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